Sunday, June 22, 2008


this was supposed to be the final chant for the aztec tribe, but unfortunately, the pep rally was canceled, for the rally, ms.walker have me permission to write an entire rap consisting of about three stanzas, to be honest it never got finished, but never the less, i do plan to finish it when i have time this summer, it goes to the beat of Fort Minor's song, Remember The Name, the first part of the lyrics remained the same in order for the crowed to chant, along with two lines in the second stanza


Aztecs Final

this is 10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will, 5% pleasure, 50% pain, and 100% reason to remember the name

it's like this, the other tribes don't put up much of a fight, they just cower under the aztecs power and might, we feel so unlike anybody else alone, because our powers have waited until now to be shown, but fuck it, because they're about to be known, you see it's not about the battery, it's all about reality and making some noise, making a story, making sure we win the cup, that means when we put it down we're doing more than enough

who the hell are we anyway, we never really show much, always stern with our status, but never leaving the crowed with much, forming our own community, but there are both lies and facts, because many misjudge us cuse we make a living by kicking ass, putting it together ourselfs, how the picture connects, never asking for someone's help, to gain some respect, not even focused on rules we broke, because we're beyond others reach, and now it all unfolds and we have the skills of an art-ist....................(to be continued)

-Carlos "House" Gerardo


if you would like to read the original lyrics, go to

if you would like to listen to the song, go to


now this is a the remix of the original aztec chant, i had to change a few things around because it had to have something in it about education, anyway check it out

Aztecs Remix

we are the aztecs we fight so strong, nothing we do could ever be wrong

reading, science, history, and math, all of these we shall pass, remember we work as hard as we can to achieve our goal and beat the TAKS

because we succeed at all that we do, why, because, AZTECS RULE!!!

-Carlos "House" Gerardo


this is a rather small battle which only lasted two stanzas, but i decided to post it anyway, it's against this guy george, and just because you need to know for one of the lines, his screen name is saggy balls


Carlos "House" Gerardo Vs. George Ortiz



You're an ugly man you're as dumb as sand your mom's fucking fat your mom blew a rat you are a mistake you have sex with cake you think you're so tuff you're a living bluff i will put you down i will make you frown i will make you bleed i am filled with speed i cannot feel pain i might be insane i am victory i write history feel my fist on your face you hate this i feel great!



wow u learned how to rhyme, but don't try to put your skills up against mine, because you'd just be wasting your time

you can't beat me at my own game, at least not with "saggy balls" as your name, that will only lead to your shame

because you're telling me i'm living a bluff, but looks at you, 4 foot 3 and thinking he's tough

now as i said, you may be able to rhyme, but dude, i can't even decipher your lines, because your words are all over the place, now you better move at a more sensible pace


Winner: Carlos "House" Gerardo

Reason: George Backed Down

Tuesday, June 3, 2008



i was trapped in a room, my mind went boom, you know what i had to do

so i grabbed my pen and wondered, where is my ink about to be sent

so i thought it out, wrote it down, because that's what i'm all about

worked with what i got, the rhyme got hot, still forcing me into writers block

stuck for a sec, will it go to heck, na, this is the jackasses reck

now the rhyme has grew, we're half way through, what else can i say to you

teach you how to write, i don't have time, in fact, i'm struggling to write this line

but wait, here we go again, another thought just entered my head, because i'm trapped in a room, my mind's gone boom, you know what i have to do

-Carlos "House" Gerardo