Thursday, December 22, 2011


Finally got a call from Elaine today!
They sent the military to find survivors in New York.
She and her mom made it to a small safe house in Times Square.
And the soldiers managed to clear a few blocks of the rioters.
But she says things are tense.
The rioters took the suburbs block by block.
She said ti was a bloodbath.
Martial law is in effect in Manhattan.
No-one is allowed to leave the safe house.
She said all the rioters have little thigns in common.
Their skin is white, wrinkled.
And the whites of their eyes are almost completely gone.

Thursday, May 26, 2011



Six months have now passed
Since they invaded the homeland
We are driving them back
And their defeat is at hand

The day it all started
They took the world by storm
Invaders from
north korea
A million men in uniform

They invaded our coasts
And dropped men I'm every state
By the time our army responded
It was more than to late

With towns landed in slaughtered
They set up the barricades
For the battle they knew would come
One that defined the age

Our army knew not where to start
As the
north koreans converged
Into their own small battalions
And gorilla tactics emerged

Within two months
The winner was a clear fact
The Koreans had taken over
The Americans had to fall back

But for north korea
Their true problems came
When they tried to reach land
That was already claimed

The territory belonged to the U.S.
But government ruled not this land
The ground belonged to the people
Who drew lines in it's sand

It is them who took it back
Raising their own arms
Against the million man army
Who had caused so much harm

Once the armies had fallen
The nation rose to it's feet
We were our only defense
And would not accept defeat

Cities became our strongholds
We looted
dead soldiers guns
They forgot we held the advantage
300,000,000 to one

And in the tanks of our dead soldiers
We began to launch our assault
Once again people fought for freedom
Microbes against the juggernaut

And in just
four months
The invading army fell
And while our military lay dead
We as soldiers still raised hell

The county was taken back
Not by battalions or squads
But by malitias who's bravery
Was equaled only by gods

Now today we stand
Ready for the final fight
But this is no battle of brawn
For it's defined by a drones flight

Last night we took back
the pentagon
After a battle that lasted three weeks
Our fortress is now back in our hands
And morals are at their peaks

With the pentagon came control
Over the secrets of the U.S.
A world of unnamed drones
And reversengineered jets

We now work out the math
To bring them back from the grave
As we reestablish contact
With a world that left us to decay

At least that was what we thought
Until that connection was reset
Because when we hailed the U.K.
The response we did not expect

It was no Englishman
In fact he spoke perfect Chinese
And after looks were exchanged
There was a feeling of unease

That's when we reviewed the messages
Received six months in the past
What we found shattered out hearts
And destroyed the souls of some at last

The day after we were invaded
China launched their attack
On the rest of the world
Korea and Germany in pact

The reason we received no help
Is because it was not just us at war
Everyone else had lost the battle
Fought just six months before

Now with control of the drones
We hold the game changer in our hands
As they fly towards north Korea
Invisible over their lands

Alone we took back this ground
But we now face a much bigger challenge
We are an army of minutemen
Ready to form our battalions

Along with the U.S.
Japan has still held it's own
And comfort comes with the fact
That we are not alone

As the eyes of the world watch
We refuse to just stop here
Because while we have our freedom
Billions still live in fear

So as we aim our missiles
The war left with us rebels
we laugh peering into the future
As we realize we've truly come full circle

So as we make our first assault
In a battle for more that just us indeed
We wait for the outcome of a mission
That may plant victory's seed

Weapons kept for so long secret
Now hold our fate in their sights
And with our nation taken back
The hopes of a world in their flight

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Thursday, February 10, 2011


The Paradox Dilemma

My name is Dr. Obando
I study future present and past
The science of the dimensions
And a multiverse vast

Then one day came a point
When all research was complete
Time for experiments came
And we went under the streets

There a machine was built
That could turn back the clock
Most of us dubbed it a miracle
Others a pandora's box

Up until that time
It had been speculated
That one could only move forward
As speed had demonstrated

But with the machine built
We had answered the queries
In a way proving wrong
Yet confirming Einstein's theories

As we stepped under Switzerland
Behind our high tech machines
There were two groups of scientists
Two very different teams

The lies we told the public
Were at least halfway true
The machine did serve dual purpose
Yet only one was withdrew

The collider was a success
And it had worked like a charm
But what the public did not see
Was the machines dual harm

It started weeks before
When the selection process began
We needed to find an applicant
One who fit the demand

The person who was chosen
Would step inside the machine
Go back in the timeline
What no other had achieved

One applicant was chosen
His name was Tyrone Pillat
He met all of the requirements
And was a physicist at that

Once the agreements were signed
And his secrecy was sworn
We then shipped him to Switzerland
A man to be reborn

Just one day later
Is when we set him on track
Adorned with an iPod touch
One swipe would bring him back

We did have our concerns
That it would not survive the journey
Since the technology did not exist
At any point prematurely

We discussed all the risks
Wondered if he'd reappear
If so where would it be
And in what prior year

We knew that the iPod
Could bring him back to our time
But as stated before
It's future was not defined

But we'd decide to take the risks
In the name of science
And we proceeded on
With little to no defiance

With $10,000,000,000 to build
The machine had to succeed
Failure was not an option
And we had made this our creed

On September 10th
The machine was given power
And as the protons collided
It was like a blooming flower

At first there was pain
At least for Mr. Pillat
As molecules ripped apart
And then transported back

At the moment of impact
He disappeared from the room
And as we all cheered
The happiness turned to gloom

One scientist noticed something
That had appeared to us all
Something that had been scratched
Right onto the back wall

As we took a closer look
We saw what it had read
It was a letter from Pillat
Inscribed in blood red

It stated the outcome
In the inscriptions aged state
Some letters had faded
But we all knew his fate

Something had gone wrong
The iPod had fused to his skin
Several bones had been broken
Death's doorstep he now stood in

We knew not what had gone wrong
And experiments were halted
What we later found out
Our wounds were only salted

Three months after this
Our engineer saw something odd
A new file in the system
We thought it was a flaw

No others had access
What happened was a mystery
And then we checked the system
What we saw contradicted history

There was record of a man
By the name of Tyrone Pillat
And the moment we saw it
Our hearts had gone flat

It says he appeared
Just right out of space
A device fused to his skin
Of his I.D. there was no trace

They knew not what to do
This man was in terrible pain
He would not let them touch him
They thought he had gone insane

As all stood in silence
And the scientist watched in awe
He would fight back the pain
And scratched the note on the wall

in his last few breaths
He screamed out to the room
and then died of his wounds

A chill ran up our spines
As this story was read
Could this truly have been his fate
Could we have caused his death

As we contemplated his fate
The alarms sounded in CERN
I then called for the guards
The room my reason for concern

The alarm had been tripped
In the room used for the test
Triggered only by movement
We were scared at best

As I gave the orders
Soldiers busted down the door
In front of us sat a man
His leg bleeding on the floor

I ordered his weapons down
As I saw he was unarmed
When he saw me he say joyous
I was much more alarmed

I told him that the area
Was closed off to the public
But what he would say next
Would make for a new subject

He became confused
He acted as if he knew me
Stating we had sent him back
Back to the 1950's

He said I was one of three scientist
Who had known of the plan
And then he showed us the iPod
The one we created beforehand

Then he spoke one more thing
About his grandfather's ranch
The destination they sent him to
And a murder by chance

As they sent him back
And he stared from the hay
His iPod had malfunctioned
And the music was put in play

This alerted his grandfather
Which had lead to a fight
Between two generations
Trying to survive the night

Long story short
And to save his own soul
He grabbed his grandfathers gun
The results don't have to be told

That's when he swiped the iPod
And returned back to his future
We swept into the room
Where he lay bloody and unsutured

As I stood there is shock
I told the soldiers to take him away
As we examined the iPod
And the events of that day

Over the next few days
We ran a search on his name
And when it brought up nothing
We speculated his claims

Although we took to this lightly
The military vastly differed
As they swept him into a room
From which we would hear whimper's

We all knew what was happening
But we could do nothing at best
The projects were top secret
The government funded our tests

So as this went on
All we could do was debate
This mans life rested in our hands
The outcome would seal his fate

And after months of conferencing
A thought suddenly came to our minds
The events he had described
About his journey through time

He had murdered his grandfather
In his own self-defense
And as we searched public record
Everyone of us clenched

The man he named as his granddad
Was killed in the year 1956
The murderer never caught
As he fled into the mist

As information was found
I ordered they stop interrogations
As I myself questioned the man
His words stopped all investigations

He said his mother was born
In the year 1962
Eight years after the incident
He said he went through

As we searched her name
Like him no results were found
His mother was never born
Her dad prematurely laid down

As we collaborated
We took his story as true
He could not have been lying
Security to tight to get through

He appeared out of nowhere
And one theory split the room
The concept of multiverse
a theory yet to bloom

The theory calls for
A universe class three
One that shares the same space
Yet remains to be seen

To put in simple terms
Class three universes reside
In a different dimension
Then in the one we preside

But when it concerns time travel
That's when things get strange
For the time traveler at least
For him things might rearranged

And if universes may be infinite
One concern is as follows
If one goes back in the timeline
Two universes may wallow

To put it quite simply
If one turned back the clock
The world they returned to
May not be the same rock

What I mean by that
Is that there's no way to assure
One returns to the universe
Which they lived in before

If this theory stands true
He returned to an alternate future
One without him involved
Where his life was not sutured

We knew not what to do with him
But one thing was for certain
He was a danger to our world
We were forced to keep closed curtains

Now that he was in this world
We could not let him leave
He would offset the balance
Even endanger the breed

So we set him up
In his very own place
Supplies now brought to him
Secluded in his own space

But this decision
Was not made by just ourselves
The orders came from the pentagon
That his home would be his cell

We kept track of his thoughts
Through an electronic journal
And as time moved ahead
His thoughts became eternal

He would go on for pages
Questioning his own existence
In a universe not his own
That greeted him with resistance

But six months after the incident
His journals suddenly stopped cold
Not a single word sputtered
Not another one told

As we checked the cameras
That were set up in his home
We saw him laying dead
Silent and alone

We we rushed to his safe house
Once again doors were busted down
But this time there was no blood
No thanks or a sound

All we saw was a man
A time traveler long dead
Cyanide inside his system
Problems still in his head

He could not take the seclusion
Read his scribbled suicide letter
Of being a man without meaning
Not able to achieve better

As they cleaned up the body
Removing it from the home
The place he considered prison
The only place he roamed

In a way I felt for him
This man who turned back the clock
But he also should have known the risks
Of the grandfather paradox

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Saturday, December 25, 2010


The Grandfather Paradox

I was picked for this mission
Because I was in my prime
My conception of what lies around me
And my perception of time

I was but a young scientist
Still learning my own craft
Then a letter came in the mail
That would change my future, present, and past

It was dubbed top secret
For my eyes only to read
The return address was the pentagon
I was someone they would need

The letter had a number
To confirm it was not a joke
And when I dialed the number in
The voice of a woman spoke

We set up a meeting
For that very next day
They flew me in by private jet
And then had me whisked away

A black SUV was waiting
The men who drove did not speak
And when we pulled up to the pentagon
The mood suddenly turned bleak

As I was walked inside
They took me past security check
And as we entered an elevator
My escort had his retina checked

Security clearance was given
And we begun to lower down
To a place kept shy of the public
And hidden deep under ground

As it came to a stop
We were met by a door
And as we entered the room
I was introduced to four

Four men in army uniforms
Those who now controlled my fate
As they sat me down in an armchair
And did not hesitate

I was first made to sign papers
Agreements to keep my mouth shut
Because the words I would soon hear
Would make history book's cut's

They were doing experiments
Based on Einstein's theories of time
And they had built a machine
Hidden by large hadron's design

At C.E.R.N. they built a collider
They said to simulate the big bang
But this machine served a dual purpose
One for which times bells rang

With this machine time travel was possible
But they needed someone young and fit
And someone who knew what they were doing
The science, as well as all of the risks

That's where I came in
At the age of twenty-eight
I was a theoretical physicist
Things like this made my heart race

They would send me in the machine
To the time when my grandparents thrived
Long before I was even a fetus
Let alone in my prime

I was to just go back
I was not to interfere
These were the rules I was given
If I was to persevere

They needed to see if it worked
If it did I would then live scotch free
I would receive government checks
Life would fly by for me

So this I agreed to
And they gave me an iPod
It would allow me to return
Once I had done my job

I was allowed three hours
To dwell inside of the past
I was to visit my grandfather
On his old run down ranch

That's when they took me to C.E.R.N.
And strapped me into the machine
There was but a single chair
And inside of it they strapped me

They told me it would be painful
But that the sensation would pass
Then they turned on the machine
And lights all around me flashed

And then it all hit me
Like my heart being ripped from my chest
The pain was nearly unbearable
It felt like broken bones at best

But then it all stopped
As I collapsed onto the ground
The chair had disappeared
As well as the room and those around

When I got to my feet
I stood outside of a ranch
It was one I recognized
With only a single glance

As I hid in the brush
I stared in at people I loved
Before I ever knew them
Just after they fell in love

They were my grandparents
And it nearly brought me to tears
That's when the realization came
That I turned the clock back by years

What the hell had I done
Did I just travel through time
How the fuck did I get here
Did I just prove Albert Einstein

I searched in my pocket for the iPod
Just to make sure it was still there
And sure enough there it was
As I again fixed my stare

But then something went wrong
I don't know what I pressed
The iPod blasted it's music
The sound I tried to suppress

In the house all came to a halt
As my grandfather shouted "who's there"
Then he grabbed for his rifle
And gave his signature glare

I tried my best not to move
But a twig snapped underneath me
Then BANG came the blast
My grandfather's round hit at my feet

I tried to run for it
That's when he fired once more
The shot scattered across my leg
As I fell down to the floor

My grandfather caught up
He grabbed me by my shirt
He screamed to know who I was
Shaking me in the dirt

I begged and pleaded
Even saying I was his grandson
He laughed saying it was impossible
With not even an expectant son

I begged even more
But he refused to believe
And he kicked me on the ground
As my leg continued bleeding

And then he pointed his gun
Straight at me on the floor
What I did next would seal my fate
And make me question evermore

I knocked it from his hands
In a moment of desperation
We then fought with our fists
I had no thoughts of reservation

I was fighting for my life
Then I got the upper hand
As he fell to the floor
I drew my line in the sand

I grabbed for his weapon
And before he could get to his feet
I fired square at his chest
Until his heart no longer beat

That's when I heard the scream
As I saw my grandmother at the doorstep
The look of terror in her eyes
As saw me with the gun and wept

In the distance I heard sirens
And I knew I had to be gone
I pulled out the iPod once more
One swipe would take me back along

As I pressed the screen
Suddenly the pain returned
I twitched in my place
As my insides turned

But when I came to
I did not sit in the chair
There was no-one around me
At me not a single soul stared

I was alone back C.E.R.N.
I did not understand
Where had everyone gone
I had followed their plans

That's when the door busted down
And soldiers came in from all around
Their guns all pointed towards me
As I st there on the ground

After then came a scientist
One of the men I had earlier seen
He ordered the men to put their guns down
I thought he would be my relief

I thanked him so much
Now that I was in my own time
But he knew not who I was
He told me being there was a crime

I replied it could not be
He himself was among those who knew
About the mission provided to me
The specs, iPod, and time that I traveled through

He then turned his head
Told the soldiers to take me away
I was put into a cell
And all I could do was pray

Over the next few days
They had asked me my name
But when they searched through the system
They said I gave them a fake

My name was nowhere to be found
Therefor I did not exist
That's when the interrogations started
Something I tried to resist

Over the next several months
Scientists debated my case
As I was tortured for information
That if I had I would give in haste

They wondered if what I said could be true
Given all that I said had gone down
They did have the technology
But the machine had been powered down

There was talk of different dimensions
Special relativity and multiverse
If I changed something in the past
This would not be my universe

And that's when it hit me
I realized what I had done
I had killed my own grandfather
And I was his child's son

When they searched through the archives
Is when all the torture ceased
My grandad was murdered in 1956
Fifty years had passed at least

I had returned
To an alternate future
One without me involved
My life had not been sutured

They did not know what to do
To them my life meant nothing
But knowing they caused it all
Must have counted for something

They put me in a nice place
Give me anything that I need
But from the world I am secluded
A danger to the human breed

I would offset the balance
So secluded I am kept
Alone in this god damn house
Like my grandmother who wept

The loneliness kills me
And even though I am alive
I wish they had just killed me
Not allowed me to survive

Just because I'm alive
Dies not mean I exist
I am unknown to the world
Not even a damn statistic

Now everyday I must ask
Do I exist, or am I not
This is a problem they call
The grandfather paradox

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Silenced Streets

when we walked the earth
we were the baddest of our breed
we lived our lives based on impunity
and governed by our own greed

the streets had become ours
we had neighborhoods claimed
but then the plague started
and the streets were regained

but this was not by the living
but by dead who walked the streets
their minds were upon our flesh
as they sunk in their teeth

even though we were gangsters
we took care of our towns
and when the people cried out
we would not let them frown

whatever they needed
form no matter what hood
we would take care of them
and do all that we could

this was our understanding
before this tragedy struck
and we would not let that change
we would be our neighbors luck

just one day after it started
the convention was held
from sixteen surviving flags
tensions suddenly swelled

but that's when the leaders spoke
bringing peace to the crowd
who had long lived with hatred
most were raised with from the ground

but this we had to overcome
for the people in our town and hood
we would all band together
this treaty was understood

then our plans were made
gather up all we could find
our warehouses would become fort hood's
as our powers were combined

once this was done
then the tougher part came
most would not make it back
survival was a rough game

we would free those left alive
who had been trapped in their homes
outside for them meant certain death
as their flesh was ripped from bone

over the next three weeks
no home was left unchecked
more lives were lost then saved
but our values were still kept

when it was all done
only six flags remained
but all of them lost their lives
for families left in vain

we banded together
in times when governments fell
and the gangsters well respected
became guardians of A.T.L.

but the saddest part was
the screams died down long before
and now that it was silent
we felt much less assured

from what i could tell
we were the last left alive
the radio had been silent
and this did not help our drive

we had three safe houses
labeled as red, white, and blue
a symbol of the lives lost
and what so many lived through

but by the third month
we lost contact with red
a mere four flags remained
but our blood to would be shed

but who would have thought
we would fall of our own hands
as guardians called themselves kings
and greed again showed in man

for reasons of caution
white and blue had combined
to be apart was no longer safe
the dead's numbers undefined

but that's where things fell apart
as the last of our leaders clashed
and while those they guarded pled
at each other they lashed

when the colors separated
governments formed under each
dictators called themselves blue
the democrats colors bleached

there were of course tensions
but one day sealed out fate's
as the blue shot at bleach
alerting miles of space

in this world one rule governed all
gun use was a resort taken last
the sounds attracts the dead
our lives at risk by the blast

after the shot all grew silent
as the moans outside grew
the sound of it was defining
and the stench like a rotting brew

suddenly nothing mattered
as we remembered our cause
the flags to us meant nothing
if our values would be lost

just three months before
we promised to protect
but all we did was go to war
and caused those we love neglect

so in those last moments
we looked each other in the eye
and when those doors busted down
together fighting we'd die

by the time they broke through
the building had been swarmed
they came in from every side
of this we would not be warned

when it was all said and done
we were but devoured flesh
failed as our people's guardians
our war had caused their deaths

yet our greed we did not realize
until when it mattered least
all it took was one blast
to reveal our inner beasts

so now we lie in pieces
the guardians of A.T.L.
gangsters sworn to protect
but murderers just as well

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Tuesday, November 2, 2010



Music is life
And my life is music
This world is my muse
And I refuse to abuse it

Lyrics are my breath
The beat is my heart
And every time I exhale
I tear it apart

Word for word
My beat is my soul
Every lyric that I speak
One more story told

But give me a moment
Now hold up and wait
Because as of right now
I need one to think

Pause for that moment
Exhale and breath it in
Absorb all your emotions
And let them sink in

This is what I feel
This is my every day
This is how I project
And speak the words that I say

This is my po-et-ry
Although it may sound absurd
This is me breathing out
Expressing my spoken word

Welcome to the world
Of the Original P
Till the day of my death
Part of society

These words they run through my veins
Every fiber of my being
They are who I am
And everything I believe

Without them I would be gone
Another face one this rock
Just another sta-tis-tic
Someone that matters not

But I refuse to be that
To me po-et-ry’s all I got
To stand out in this world
And gain my first place spot

Among so many others
All those with the same dream
What separates them from them
Is my ab-il-a-ties

I can throw down a rhyme
As opposed to a fist
Because this gets more done
Than a gun and bullets

But then again
A bullet can change the world
Begin revolutions
And end them as well

But the bullet matters not
It comes down to who fires it
The motivation in their mind
And reason for the shit

But now I’m getting off track
You’ve gone to far in my mind
Let’s get back to the subject
And stop wasting time

That was a glimpse in mind
A spotlight at my muse
The thoughts that run through my head
The things that keep me amused

Yet you haven’t seen anything
For that you’ll have to wait
Because I trust no-one in my head
A subject up for debate

So with that said
I’ll close it out with this
One last thought that I’ll share
For you my mind’s goodbye kiss

If music is life
And my life is music
Do I move to my own beat
Or the world’s own amusement

Because that is what they expect
For me to rebel
And when I write things like this
Stereotypes speak for themselves

So am I a statistic
Swallowed by the machine
Because by just writing this
My nightmare’s spawned from a dream

-Carlos “House” Gerardo

Wednesday, October 6, 2010



long ago came the point
where we all lost interest
we had seen all there was
and cared not to persist

we were eon's old
when time for you first began
a race of supreme beings
the universe in our hands

in fact we gave it a start
and know just how it will end
our enjoyment now comes
from watching you imagine

but with age comes boredom
even when the world is yours
while most consider it a gift
i wish i had been ignored

but once in a while
there does come a thrill
his name was Jean Luc Picard
more like a Q in will

this man had no powers
nor was he omnipotent
but what he lacked in strength
he gained back in luminance

but what is it that i mean
well to me the world's very dark
and where it lacked luminance
Jean Luc lit up with a spark

this man was a captain
the best in the entire fleet
hell, he had played my own game
and made me fall in defeat

to this man i gave my respect
an honor i hold even from Q's
because even in the continuum
he did what no other could do

but sometimes i pitied him
with the mind of a supreme
i wonder how it must have felt
to be restricted to dreams

though i would not have cursed him
at least not terribly like this
he would not care for immortality
and eternity's not a gift

although his entire species
thought this of themselves
he was one of a kind
but did not care for himself

but that's why he was unique
unlike us, he did not care
he lived his life to the fullest
even when he felt death's stare

Jean Luc did not deserve
to be a forgotten face
his body like no other
just shot off into space

that's why i took his body
from space's ice cold depths
now it lies in the continuum
with proper human respects

so as i now stand
in front of his grave
with Worf, Riker, Jordi, and Troi
the Enterprise's most brave

we know he died with respect
and the honor of many Q's
a truly brilliant man
that this world barely knew

so even after his death
still in front of his grave i stand
giving all my respects
to the old, ca-pi-tan

-Carlos "House" Gerardo