Friday, May 15, 2009


this is about a girl whom i was sitting across form on the bus while on my way to a field trip to moody gardens


as she lays, akon on her mind, you can tell this girl is one of a kind

ignoring the world as she sits alone in her seat, just leaning back, she admires the beat

the occasional glance, she knows not what i write, she seems dazed, day dreams in her sight

as i observe her rest, my rhyme comes to a close, will it continue, that's something only she knows

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


getting back into the buzz of things, i decided it was about time that i got into a battle, and i didn't have to wait long for my next victim, Theodore


Carlos "House" Gerardo Vs. Theodore



im fast on the track nigga get with the program yo moma know i kill what slow jam



look at you, just one line in, how easy you've made it to destroy your grin, see to me this isn't a game, say the wrong thing an i will put you to shame

all you can do is speak and talk shit, all the while your rhymes are out in the cold, and becoming frostbit

if you're guna go up against me, at least give the best that you've got, otherwise, you're not even worthy of the time in my slot


Winner: Carlos "House" Gerardo

Reason: Theodore Backed Down

Saturday, May 2, 2009


what's up guys, well i decided to break away form my usual style and try something new, check it out

Moment Of Passion

Ignoring the crowed, you look her straight in the eyes
Her arms around your neck, you hands on her sides

This is the moment of magic
You ignore the crowed
You hands fasten on the fabric
Testing what she’ll allow

You lips get closer, the tension grows
What’ll happen next, everyone knows

The moment your lips meet
The world stands still
Your heart skips a beat
As you stand, enjoying the thrill

As your lips finally part
Jokers comments are let aloud
“Is this only the start”
The two of you just laugh, looking back at the crowed

You look back and wonder
What the hell do they know
“should we go for another...”
“let‘s give them a show”

-Carlos “House” Gerardo


Descendant's Kismet

every single day, i rise form my bed, releasing all the thoughts which had flown through my head

this is my everyday life, my everyday times, rising up from my bed, and giving birth to these rhymes

i am the master of words, spoken, written, and rhymed, going on the teachings of wisdom, of those who've expired their time

i am the next generation to stand out as the best, respecting those who came before me, but blowing to hell all of the rest

as i go on with my ramblings, i know not what to say next, I'll just have to wait and see on what subject, fate chooses to provide me with text

-Carlos "House" Gerardo