Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Untitled Love Poem

what can one say
when a love is to death
on your mind every day
a girl who you give your breath

you crack a joke
just to see her smile
ignoring the world
as your heart runs a mile

it's beat never resting
the flow undisturbed
in your mind love is nesting
causing a loss for words

when you two are alone
the light of sparks fill the air
you are chilled to the bone
but have no reason to care

just holding her hand
butterflies take to wind
your heartbeat is a band
harmony it now sends

you glance at your stills
and a smile grows on your face
once again you get chills
as your heart picks up the pace

when speaking of love
on your mind, there she is
an angel sent from above
bearing the name ...

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Thursday, September 24, 2009


one life created
then whiskered away
a subject often debated
leaving nothing to fray

could it be nature
or is it regret
brought by our own heart
but damned by neglect

this is the story of one
who left before breath
a life barely begun
but destined for death

by the name of echo
a chance at life was lost
the heart had a flow
but it came at a cost

there are some who sob
but others who cheer
not because of the loss
but because of the year

had he been born
what world would he face
where only the rich are adorned
a species bent on disgrace

on justice we thrive
we've imprisoned ourselves
destroying not only our lives
but those of others as well

alone as a people
already separated by plate
we stand alone at the steeple
waiting to meet our fate

some of us have patience
yet others can't hold
either due to a life lived
or what they've been told

but that is where echo
was cheated in full
his ending came early
teaching that life has no rule

he was not the first
nor will he be the last
in a world with blood thirst
and a universe vast

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Sunday, September 20, 2009


well guy's i just finished a up working on an introduction for the "about me" section on my myspace page, and i thought i'd post it up and give u a glimpse of what it's like to be.....well, me

What’s up people, most know who I am and know what I do, for those who don’t, my name is House, music is my life, and life would be nothing without the songs which full my head, a quote which I used to often speak was that one lived by one of only two things, lyrics or lies, one being who you truly are, the other being who you would like to be, I’m one of the few people who realize life is to short to live without truth, which is the very reason that I am not afraid to speak my mind, no one truly knows what the future holds and something held in today may never get a chance to see the world tomorrow

One of the two fascinations I hold is film, I am a writer with hopes of one day making it big and one of the few willing to work for it, the other is astronomy, u will never know my envy for those who will be born at a time when all can explore the universe in which we live, but how I pity those who will not have been able to see it begin

I hold respects for all religions and believe everyone has a right to their own beliefs, I was raised as a catholic, although now I personally do not believe in a god, why, is a question I am often asked, the reason is simple, I consider myself lucky to have been born at a time when we as a species have the technology and the reasoning to doubt, having many theories of how the universe began and how man truly came to be, how could I hold faith in a time where I could so easily question that which I believe

I am one of the minority which does not believe in the idea of there being a supreme being watching over us, that’s why I live every day as if it were my last, although if there is a place where I am destined to travel after my death, the idea of immortality scares the living hell out of me

Hi, my name’s House, and 20 years from now, everyone in Hollywood will know my name

- Carlos "House" Gerardo

Saturday, September 12, 2009



stuck in this prison
my mind goes black
i examine all that has risen
as my heart walks the plank

because again here i sit
the same girl in my mind
her feelings cross-knit
as i continue this rhyme

her body still sobs
she wants to just stop
but the mountain does it's job
and she is kicked from the top

when she hits the floor
emotions litter the ground
out of her head they bore
much faster than sound

she tries to keep them in
but the barrier's broke
feeling all of her sins
she is about to choke

one hand on her throat
the other in the air
she now gasps for breath
realizing life isn't fair

but she regains her step
getting back to her feet
keeping up with sobriety
but shifting her beat

the wise girl has broken through
the question is will she remain
i was there, watched as she grew
but a body's hard to maintain

-Carlos "House" Gerardo