Thursday, May 26, 2011



Six months have now passed
Since they invaded the homeland
We are driving them back
And their defeat is at hand

The day it all started
They took the world by storm
Invaders from
north korea
A million men in uniform

They invaded our coasts
And dropped men I'm every state
By the time our army responded
It was more than to late

With towns landed in slaughtered
They set up the barricades
For the battle they knew would come
One that defined the age

Our army knew not where to start
As the
north koreans converged
Into their own small battalions
And gorilla tactics emerged

Within two months
The winner was a clear fact
The Koreans had taken over
The Americans had to fall back

But for north korea
Their true problems came
When they tried to reach land
That was already claimed

The territory belonged to the U.S.
But government ruled not this land
The ground belonged to the people
Who drew lines in it's sand

It is them who took it back
Raising their own arms
Against the million man army
Who had caused so much harm

Once the armies had fallen
The nation rose to it's feet
We were our only defense
And would not accept defeat

Cities became our strongholds
We looted
dead soldiers guns
They forgot we held the advantage
300,000,000 to one

And in the tanks of our dead soldiers
We began to launch our assault
Once again people fought for freedom
Microbes against the juggernaut

And in just
four months
The invading army fell
And while our military lay dead
We as soldiers still raised hell

The county was taken back
Not by battalions or squads
But by malitias who's bravery
Was equaled only by gods

Now today we stand
Ready for the final fight
But this is no battle of brawn
For it's defined by a drones flight

Last night we took back
the pentagon
After a battle that lasted three weeks
Our fortress is now back in our hands
And morals are at their peaks

With the pentagon came control
Over the secrets of the U.S.
A world of unnamed drones
And reversengineered jets

We now work out the math
To bring them back from the grave
As we reestablish contact
With a world that left us to decay

At least that was what we thought
Until that connection was reset
Because when we hailed the U.K.
The response we did not expect

It was no Englishman
In fact he spoke perfect Chinese
And after looks were exchanged
There was a feeling of unease

That's when we reviewed the messages
Received six months in the past
What we found shattered out hearts
And destroyed the souls of some at last

The day after we were invaded
China launched their attack
On the rest of the world
Korea and Germany in pact

The reason we received no help
Is because it was not just us at war
Everyone else had lost the battle
Fought just six months before

Now with control of the drones
We hold the game changer in our hands
As they fly towards north Korea
Invisible over their lands

Alone we took back this ground
But we now face a much bigger challenge
We are an army of minutemen
Ready to form our battalions

Along with the U.S.
Japan has still held it's own
And comfort comes with the fact
That we are not alone

As the eyes of the world watch
We refuse to just stop here
Because while we have our freedom
Billions still live in fear

So as we aim our missiles
The war left with us rebels
we laugh peering into the future
As we realize we've truly come full circle

So as we make our first assault
In a battle for more that just us indeed
We wait for the outcome of a mission
That may plant victory's seed

Weapons kept for so long secret
Now hold our fate in their sights
And with our nation taken back
The hopes of a world in their flight

-Carlos "House" Gerardo