Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Love And Let Down

for some time, certain feelings for one girl have began to fade, while thoughts of another keep coming my way, and more i grow to like this girl everyday

the thought of her fills my heart with glee, she's one of the few friends i can talk to when i need relief

this girl's beauty has yet to be beat, when she walks into a room, she turns up the heat, and when she smiles and speaks, she seems evermore sweet, her personality makes her stand out from the rest, always wearing a smile, even when she's not at her best

there are so many things i have to say about this girl, right now, phrasing this is the hardest thing in my world, because like i said before, this girl's beauty has yet to be matched, that's why she deserves better than a guy who calls himself jack

now although the thought of her sets my imagination free, we can never be, because i know she does not share the same feelings for me

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Sunday, April 27, 2008


hey what's up jokers and jackasses , this is a poem that i wrote to give to my friend mandy at her 15th birthday party, so check it out

A Good Friend

we've all heard it a million times, the term good friends are hard to find, but that's the reason i took the time to write this rhyme, because you've been one of mine

mandy, you're one of the craziest girls that i've ever met, but that's not something i regret, because that makes you stand out from the rest

it's been three days since i've started writing, taking my time on every line, just to make it into something that you would desire, because you've been like a sister to me, always there to give me relief

after two years, we've been to hell and back, having our good times and our bad, but that's what makes leaving at the end of the year all the more sad, but what can we do, except for cherish the friendship we have

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


A Girl And Love

love, i write about it all the time, in fact it's the inspiration behind so many of my rhymes, but my question is, why

i figure it's the one girl that catches your eye, because to you, she's always on your mind, the brightest thing standing on the light, blocking out everything else in sight

with one glance, this girl has gained your heart and soul, but this is one thing we almost never let this girl know, keeping it bottle up inside, until you ask her out one day or night

thinking of her, you'll end up like me, writing her a poem while in your seat, hoping you accomplish your feat, getting together with this girl, but right now, a dream it will remain to be

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


check this out my people, i have once again been given the opportunity to write a poem for the school yearbook, so here it is, enjoy

we've spent so many days at this school, now, the thought of us leaving seems ever so cruel, because so many things will get left behind, but that's why i'm writing this rhyme

this year, we've laughed, hugged, hated, loved, gotten together, and broken up, then again, i think we've had enough, but still, letting go is tough

our every emotion has been let out, so much so that we want to shout, but that's not what we're all about, because while other things may have gone wrong, we've kept things cool all year long

while not all of us liked it here, we're all still running a river of tears, next year, some of us will leave, but others will stay, only to face another day

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Saturday, April 5, 2008



composition, when the words are being written, the moment where it all comes out and nothing is hidden

all of the writers thoughts are released, they can be turned into a beauty, or into a beast

the moment where so many thoughts flow through your mind, for me, they're always put into a rhyme, and my every word, turned into a verse

there's nothing you can't put into a rap, jealousy, sympathy, hatred, love, much more than all of the above

make it into everything your mind desires, begin with a spark, but end with a fire, because if you don't, others will tire, and never let the flame die down, or else others have a chance to take hold of your crown

last, every composition must be one of a kind, write every thought that enters your mind, nothing less, except, always have a message to be sent

-Carlos "House" Gerardo


What I Do

talking shit is something that i do better than most of the people i know, because when my words come out, you're gonna get a show, as far as other peoples insults go, i just blow into the wind, taking out their defense

i do nothing but talk crap, that's why my life seems so out of wack, but i'll always continue speaking smack

this may not be something that everyone likes, but that's how i ride, 24/7 and 365, since the day i was born, now until the day that i die

but i'm not gonna lie, this jackass has a sweeter side, hidden, except for those who read what i write, but screw it, that's not why i wrote this rhyme

one thing you have to know is that while i always joke, i never choke, so don't expect me to stop, because i won't, i'm not

i don't care if you're a girl or a guy, i will make you cry, because i can take your words, and throw them back in your eye's

-Carlos "House" Gerardo