Thursday, August 27, 2009


this was written for one of my closest friends, her name is kitty, and she's been going through a bit of a rough time

Harmony And Heartbreak

her beauty unmatched
the girl in my mind
it's a love that's just hatched
inspiration for rhyme

a beauty others would kill for
just to be by her side
merely watching her smile
as two hearts collide

a miracle at play
together we take the earth
with each other everyday
to long last hope giving birth

her eyes are all that are needed
to outshine the sun
casting their brightness upon us
with a smile and cun

butterflies fill my chest
every time i'm with her
as i forget the world and the rest
giving up my heart to stir

she has been hurt
so many times in the past
her body bruised and burnt
but the scars will not last

underneath her tears
is the strongest of wills
unlike any i've seen in my years
she has heart to heal

now i sit afraid here
of her returning to him
as yet again she sheds tears
for a guy who watches and grins

he has no respect
her he did not deserve
losing love, the concept
it's only ignorance he's reserved

i jut want her to know
that i love her to death
that's why when i see her cry
i start losing my breath

to see her in pain
has broken my heart
leaving me in vain
to pick up the parts

but now the choice becomes hers
which road will she take
the one leading towards harmony
or the one to heartbreak

-Carlos "House" Gerardo


just a little over forty years ago, man first landed on the moon, giving inspiration for this rhyme


i continue to thrive
as i do what i love
keeping the flow alive
writing of the heavens above

gazing into the sky
a piece of rock in my gaze
an orb floats before my eyes
as i stand locked in a daze

it won't last us always
the beauty we can't recreate
but it will last in our memories
until we meet our fate

far off in the future
it will be our species home
as we move to other planets our culture
and explore the unknown

we are exploration in infancy
we have but barely begun
curiousness is one of our tendencies
out of many just one

just to land us upon it
was a leap on it's own
millions of miles away
so far from our home

the mission was dangerous
yet well worth the risks
leaving money alone and envious
as they watched the clock tick

then the day finally came
they watched on their tv sets
armstrong was his known name
the man who took the first step

it was the first of it's kind
never taken before
one small step for man
that will remain evermore

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


this one was partially inspired by the death of a family member


unaffected by death
i only think of my own
the moment of last breath
on surface little is shown

so much held deep inside
it's so hard to make sense
puching my feelings inside
trying not to get tense

immortal are the thoughts
which come from my head
the feelings death's brought
often so hard to shed

from here to eternity
they'll be with us all
causing little serenity
as hearts continue to fall

immortality is frightening
for those who understand life
realizing little is brightening
when near the end of the knife

the feeling of forever
has always hit hard
softening the blow never
playing always the right card

immortal is a mystery
which will never be solved
forever part of our history
left for us to dissolve

existing always in memories
a long time face on this earth
a body engraved in history
until a stop comes to the clock

-Carlos "House" Gerardo