Thursday, August 27, 2009


just a little over forty years ago, man first landed on the moon, giving inspiration for this rhyme


i continue to thrive
as i do what i love
keeping the flow alive
writing of the heavens above

gazing into the sky
a piece of rock in my gaze
an orb floats before my eyes
as i stand locked in a daze

it won't last us always
the beauty we can't recreate
but it will last in our memories
until we meet our fate

far off in the future
it will be our species home
as we move to other planets our culture
and explore the unknown

we are exploration in infancy
we have but barely begun
curiousness is one of our tendencies
out of many just one

just to land us upon it
was a leap on it's own
millions of miles away
so far from our home

the mission was dangerous
yet well worth the risks
leaving money alone and envious
as they watched the clock tick

then the day finally came
they watched on their tv sets
armstrong was his known name
the man who took the first step

it was the first of it's kind
never taken before
one small step for man
that will remain evermore

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

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