Tuesday, October 27, 2009



her stitches removed
after so long she smiles
her flow has improved
as her heart sits a while

how glad i am to see
that the wise girl is back
letting emotions free
but allowing no slack

this is her life again
for so long taken away
by an ignorant zen
who had so much to say

everyday he would bitch
just day after day
falling into a ditch
giving her no reason to stay

one year of hell
yet it was not a waste
she has seen the darkness
and taken a taste

straight from the glass
the elixer has been drunk
causing her to crash
the moment heart sunk

by the fires of hell
it was a heated year
yet she still felt a bond
which brought nothing but drear

she felt months of sorrow
for one moment in time
when yesterday was tomorrow
her smile just shined

but now it has returned
it has regained its shape
retaking its harmony
on its own without tape

there is still a break
but it heals with speed
revealing how much it can take
as it lets her not bleed

it took her some time
but her life now goes on
emotions captured in rhyme
when her days are long gone

inspiring poetry
her life is all but bland
by the name if Elizabeth
one of the few lives lived grand

-Carlos "House" Gerardo



a broken heart
it once beat loud
now it is in parts
deafening the sound

picking up a piece
the feel of shattered glass
a cut creates a crease
you have missed your pass

this girl is now gone
any chance you once had
you feel like a pawn
in a chess game so sad

the game already done
you were the last to go
your opponent has won
and your heartbeat has slowed

you just feel like shit
your hands fill with cuts
as rhymes become frostbit
and your mouth remains shut

but what would you say
you cannot oppose
one could speak out all day
but who are you to impose

you are but one boy
holding his very tongue
in front of her just a toy
with lyrics already sung

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Sunday, October 25, 2009


and now another form the story, it is entitled we are here

We Are Here

we are here, we are here, living in a cold fear

of the ghosts, from our past, when our present will not last

bigger fears, coming soon, as we reach out for the moon

but will we, ever teach, that it is now out of reach

we are here, we are here, living in a cold fear

the sad truth, grabs at us, in a life we won't give up

we are damned, still we pray, in a world with much to say

not much left, that can reflect, but history filled with neglect

we are here, we are here, living in a cold fear

of the future, we once adorned, but now we have seen its' horns

the devil has, come forth, yet we cannot go up north

due to our lasting goal, which turns fires to freezing cold

we are here, we are here, living in a cold fear

weapons in hand, by our sides, yet on the ice we now slide

towards our fears, we now face, but we feel all but displaced

it was our choice, to stay in hell, despite the carnage yet to tell

we are here, we are here, living in a cold fear

failed as one, lost as few, none of us know what to do

we all comment, one in the same, all of us are to be blamed

in this world, lost long ago, we put on an eternal show

we are here, we are here, living in a cold fear

not knowing what, to do next, i translate this into text

these are our lives, written down, and spoken in bitter sound

once again, we sit close, listening for sounds of ghosts

we are here, we are here, living in a cold fear

but soon days, end will come, either by a bite or gun

no matter which, we are all damned, cut short of gods' very plan

but we still live, yet what for, when we want a life no more

we are here, we are here, living in a cold fear

now it boils, down to this, when we will take nobody's shit

fighting with, the very few, still clueless of what to do

yet we stand, guitar and pick, while holding all of our lips

we are here, we are here, living in a cold fear

of a tyrant, the undead, all of these thoughts up in our heads

we have no choice, but to give in, that is why i grab my pen

one last choice, in this hell, that is truly lacking voice

we are here, we are here, living in a cold fear

an echo, from the past, in days when our voice used to last

once again, we stand alone, our futures remain unknown

we envy those, who have met death, but we love life to last breath

kicking off, to the side, off those thoughts of suicide

we are here, we are here, living in a cold fear

we are here, we are here, our home full of dread and drear

but at last, i close this song, hoping changes won't take long

because we are here, we are here, living in a cold fear

so long it, often takes, come on god give us a break

we have lived, we've stayed strong, damn it what have we done wrong

over time, losing faith, in a world already replaced

the remnants, of a race, a species bent on one case

destruction, our goal was met, something we wish we could forget

we are here, we are here, living in a cold fear

i hope to god, our goal will last, engulfed in the flames so vast

the fire has, grown so bold, and we may die of freezing cold

jackets on, gun by side, i'll just watch as we collide

we are here, we are here, living in a cold fear

in this dead world, we hold dear, fighting through this freezing fear

we are here, we are here, consumed by this cold and fear

we are here, we are here..........oh how i have held my tears

we are here, but not for long, i hope i will be proven wrong

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


here is another song for my stories, it is entitled memories


boom boom, bang bang, i sat there just watched and sang

boom boom, bang bang, i sat there just watched and sang

but what can, you do, when bullets fly in front of you

straight through, the air, feeling like shit just standing there

you are, alone, chilled as bullets fly through bone

boom boom, bang bang, i sat there just watched and sang

boom boom, bang bang, i sat there just watched and sang

but you know, me now, i could not just live it down

i do, not fight, i grab my pen begin to write

so now, we sit, in a crowd watchin' me spit

boom boom, bang bang, i sat there just watched and sang

boom boom, bang bang, i sat there just watched and sang

and now, it's done, but we still stand with pointed guns

into, the crowd, silenced but voices heard loud

but who is, to blame, we've survived life's deadly game

boom boom, bang bang, i sat there just watched and sang

boom boom, bang bang, i sat there just watched and sang

we've damned, ourselves, from many mouths but from one shelf

we're hu-man beings, raised by wars, weapons, and kings

who are we, to judge, our history is stained with blood

boom boom, bang bang, i sat there just watched and sang

boom boom, bang bang, i sat there just watched and sang

now this, is it, as i sing right where we sit

sentenced, to life, avoiding death with guns and knives

bang bang, boom boom, bullets silenced with deadly zooms

boom boom, bang bang, i sat there just watched and sang

boom boom, bang bang, i reflect on lyrics sang

in times, long past, i wonder how they did not last

or if, they did, in this song they'll never rid

until i, go to bed, and all of this crap just leaves my head

bang bang, boom boom, these feelings will be gone too soon

boom boom, bang bang

boom boom, bang bang

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Thursday, October 15, 2009


I Am What I Learn

I am what I learn
The thoughts which fill my head
Engraved in my memories
Everyday before bed

But this is not all I am
I am more than just thoughts
More than just the slam
Which forms my life’s plot

I will make myself known
In this universe vast
In the wind my name blown
Not just part of the past

This is what all of us thrive
To be an eternal thought
For those of us who survive
Until the earth rots

I say I am what I learn
Not because of my mind
But because of the fact
That I am but a time

History in the future
The future of the last
We all live in the present
Which has already passed

What you see is a snapshot
Of what I used to be
After I began to jot
And set my rhymes free

I am what I learn
And I have learned the lessons of life
Never with my back turned
But facing the knife

But with this mindset
My wisdom has grown
Not by that taught in school
But what was learned on my own

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Tuesday, October 13, 2009



you were the only bed habit
that was easy to break
but i still hate you
because this smile is fake

these are the words of a girl
to me a very good friend
so easy to smile
yet so hard to pretend

underneath her smile
her face remains soaked
tears sink into skin
as her heart remains cloaked

but this is a story
which needs to be told
held within the heart
forcing it to turn cold

unique is this girl
wisdom bears her name
her mind continues to swirl
as she alone feels the blame

she had her heart broken
just shattered apart
now she standds unspoken
just playing the part

she leads a false life
her smile cloaking neglect
the grin may be precise
but it will never perfect

-Carlos "House" Gerardo