Tuesday, October 20, 2009


here is another song for my stories, it is entitled memories


boom boom, bang bang, i sat there just watched and sang

boom boom, bang bang, i sat there just watched and sang

but what can, you do, when bullets fly in front of you

straight through, the air, feeling like shit just standing there

you are, alone, chilled as bullets fly through bone

boom boom, bang bang, i sat there just watched and sang

boom boom, bang bang, i sat there just watched and sang

but you know, me now, i could not just live it down

i do, not fight, i grab my pen begin to write

so now, we sit, in a crowd watchin' me spit

boom boom, bang bang, i sat there just watched and sang

boom boom, bang bang, i sat there just watched and sang

and now, it's done, but we still stand with pointed guns

into, the crowd, silenced but voices heard loud

but who is, to blame, we've survived life's deadly game

boom boom, bang bang, i sat there just watched and sang

boom boom, bang bang, i sat there just watched and sang

we've damned, ourselves, from many mouths but from one shelf

we're hu-man beings, raised by wars, weapons, and kings

who are we, to judge, our history is stained with blood

boom boom, bang bang, i sat there just watched and sang

boom boom, bang bang, i sat there just watched and sang

now this, is it, as i sing right where we sit

sentenced, to life, avoiding death with guns and knives

bang bang, boom boom, bullets silenced with deadly zooms

boom boom, bang bang, i sat there just watched and sang

boom boom, bang bang, i reflect on lyrics sang

in times, long past, i wonder how they did not last

or if, they did, in this song they'll never rid

until i, go to bed, and all of this crap just leaves my head

bang bang, boom boom, these feelings will be gone too soon

boom boom, bang bang

boom boom, bang bang

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

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