Sunday, November 21, 2010


Silenced Streets

when we walked the earth
we were the baddest of our breed
we lived our lives based on impunity
and governed by our own greed

the streets had become ours
we had neighborhoods claimed
but then the plague started
and the streets were regained

but this was not by the living
but by dead who walked the streets
their minds were upon our flesh
as they sunk in their teeth

even though we were gangsters
we took care of our towns
and when the people cried out
we would not let them frown

whatever they needed
form no matter what hood
we would take care of them
and do all that we could

this was our understanding
before this tragedy struck
and we would not let that change
we would be our neighbors luck

just one day after it started
the convention was held
from sixteen surviving flags
tensions suddenly swelled

but that's when the leaders spoke
bringing peace to the crowd
who had long lived with hatred
most were raised with from the ground

but this we had to overcome
for the people in our town and hood
we would all band together
this treaty was understood

then our plans were made
gather up all we could find
our warehouses would become fort hood's
as our powers were combined

once this was done
then the tougher part came
most would not make it back
survival was a rough game

we would free those left alive
who had been trapped in their homes
outside for them meant certain death
as their flesh was ripped from bone

over the next three weeks
no home was left unchecked
more lives were lost then saved
but our values were still kept

when it was all done
only six flags remained
but all of them lost their lives
for families left in vain

we banded together
in times when governments fell
and the gangsters well respected
became guardians of A.T.L.

but the saddest part was
the screams died down long before
and now that it was silent
we felt much less assured

from what i could tell
we were the last left alive
the radio had been silent
and this did not help our drive

we had three safe houses
labeled as red, white, and blue
a symbol of the lives lost
and what so many lived through

but by the third month
we lost contact with red
a mere four flags remained
but our blood to would be shed

but who would have thought
we would fall of our own hands
as guardians called themselves kings
and greed again showed in man

for reasons of caution
white and blue had combined
to be apart was no longer safe
the dead's numbers undefined

but that's where things fell apart
as the last of our leaders clashed
and while those they guarded pled
at each other they lashed

when the colors separated
governments formed under each
dictators called themselves blue
the democrats colors bleached

there were of course tensions
but one day sealed out fate's
as the blue shot at bleach
alerting miles of space

in this world one rule governed all
gun use was a resort taken last
the sounds attracts the dead
our lives at risk by the blast

after the shot all grew silent
as the moans outside grew
the sound of it was defining
and the stench like a rotting brew

suddenly nothing mattered
as we remembered our cause
the flags to us meant nothing
if our values would be lost

just three months before
we promised to protect
but all we did was go to war
and caused those we love neglect

so in those last moments
we looked each other in the eye
and when those doors busted down
together fighting we'd die

by the time they broke through
the building had been swarmed
they came in from every side
of this we would not be warned

when it was all said and done
we were but devoured flesh
failed as our people's guardians
our war had caused their deaths

yet our greed we did not realize
until when it mattered least
all it took was one blast
to reveal our inner beasts

so now we lie in pieces
the guardians of A.T.L.
gangsters sworn to protect
but murderers just as well

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

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