Tuesday, November 2, 2010



Music is life
And my life is music
This world is my muse
And I refuse to abuse it

Lyrics are my breath
The beat is my heart
And every time I exhale
I tear it apart

Word for word
My beat is my soul
Every lyric that I speak
One more story told

But give me a moment
Now hold up and wait
Because as of right now
I need one to think

Pause for that moment
Exhale and breath it in
Absorb all your emotions
And let them sink in

This is what I feel
This is my every day
This is how I project
And speak the words that I say

This is my po-et-ry
Although it may sound absurd
This is me breathing out
Expressing my spoken word

Welcome to the world
Of the Original P
Till the day of my death
Part of society

These words they run through my veins
Every fiber of my being
They are who I am
And everything I believe

Without them I would be gone
Another face one this rock
Just another sta-tis-tic
Someone that matters not

But I refuse to be that
To me po-et-ry’s all I got
To stand out in this world
And gain my first place spot

Among so many others
All those with the same dream
What separates them from them
Is my ab-il-a-ties

I can throw down a rhyme
As opposed to a fist
Because this gets more done
Than a gun and bullets

But then again
A bullet can change the world
Begin revolutions
And end them as well

But the bullet matters not
It comes down to who fires it
The motivation in their mind
And reason for the shit

But now I’m getting off track
You’ve gone to far in my mind
Let’s get back to the subject
And stop wasting time

That was a glimpse in mind
A spotlight at my muse
The thoughts that run through my head
The things that keep me amused

Yet you haven’t seen anything
For that you’ll have to wait
Because I trust no-one in my head
A subject up for debate

So with that said
I’ll close it out with this
One last thought that I’ll share
For you my mind’s goodbye kiss

If music is life
And my life is music
Do I move to my own beat
Or the world’s own amusement

Because that is what they expect
For me to rebel
And when I write things like this
Stereotypes speak for themselves

So am I a statistic
Swallowed by the machine
Because by just writing this
My nightmare’s spawned from a dream

-Carlos “House” Gerardo

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