Sunday, March 30, 2008


fellow jokers and jackasses, check this out, it is a rap battle i got into over myspace with my friend michelle's cousin, adam, he started talking shit about how he could beat me in an argument and it escalated from there, and i soooooo proved him wrong, well here it is, enjoy


Carlos "House" Gerardo Vs. Adam



soooo...wat do you want to debate about?-adam

i keep trying to tell him he won't win i told him about that time you won the argument with mr.martin and he said he was just as bis a smartalic as you were and that it was time you got a taste of your own medicine



a taste of my own medicine, HA, dude don't play a game that u can't win, let's put it in the form of a rhyme, simply put

don't mess with this jackass, because my words are my matches, and i will burn you to ashes

listen to rocky's (michelle's) advise



uh oh this can't be good X0 (eyes closed) p.s. stop calling me rocky-michelle

well i'll douse your flame, because life is MY game, and i'll put your spark out, cuz thats what im about



u replied with a rhyme, but what u don't know is that that is where i shine, because i write them all the time

u can try to douse my flame, but in the end, this is my game, and others are all the same, with me putting them to shame

u can't win u never will

because the J is for the jackass that will burn u to ash, u go up against me and u won't even last, now i say one thing, beat that




i'll give u props 4 ur rhyme, but this is my time, you can spit words my way but they will crumble under my shine

i roll wit the best, screw the rest, try to put me to shame, but i'll rise to your fame

im the underdog of this game,i will outshine your fame, words spoken or written to me will only fuel my game

my goal is 2 be the best,4get the rest, show me your best, be my guest



i have to admit, that was nice, but u ain't winning the prize, it took u 20 minutes to make up that rhyme, u talking about time, but u took up to much of mine, the one i wrote only took five

my words are dissing u bad, ur was nothing but crap compared to this rap, urs was better for wiping my ass

be my guest, HA, u ain't nowhere near the best, unlike me, always wearing the J, above my heart and under my chest

to beat me, u must do better than that, this time don't send me no crap


Winner: Carlos "House" Gerardo

Reason: Adam Backed Down

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