Friday, June 5, 2009


this poem is written for a very special friend of mine whom i will only call "Kit," she's having some troubles, which is what inspired me to write this, so enjoy


In the distance
I hear a heart beat loud
Leaving by itself assistance
And ignoring the crowed

Her heart bleeds out
Tears stream down her face
She wants to just shout
Yet she maintains her pace

What has made her this way
It’s the boy in her thoughts
On her mind every day
It’s only dilemmas he’s brought

He cheated on her before
In the worst possible way
Leaving her little more
Than nothing else to say

Her friends try to warn her
Yet she returns back to him
Leaning on his shoulder
Just watching him grin

She says she loves him to much
Leaving’s to hard to bear
All along turning her heart to mush
Leaving her in despair

He says he’s in love
But contradicts his speech
Looking towards the heavens above
But portraying a leech

What will she do
Will she escape from his grip
Well my friend that’s up to you
Will she get away, or just keep kissing his lip

-Carlos “House” Gerardo

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