Tuesday, June 2, 2009


once again breaking from my style, this one is called wise girl

Wise Girl

Wise Girl kisses
But never loves
Sits down and listens
But never to much

Pushing forward in delight
No boy will get in her way
As she sits up and fights
Pushing temptation away

She ponders of perfection
Caring not how it looks on her shelf
Never seeking others protection
For she cares for herself

While for others
Hours seems to just fly
She sits back and wonders
The reason time passes her by

It is questions like above
That keep her going still
Doing what she loves
For her, life is a thrill

Ignoring society
She sits alone in her seat
Keeping up her worldly sobriety
Moving to her own beat

As my rhyme comes to a close
A smile grows on her face
Because only Wise Girl knows
How to control her own space

-Carlos “House” Gerardo

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