Thursday, May 29, 2008


this is a poem that i OBVIOUSLY wrote for one of my best friends michelle's birthday, her nickname's the rock

Happy Birthday Rock

hey, happy birthday rock, congrats on another year on the clock, i wrote you this poem because i'm to cheap to buy a gift and a box

you were one of my best friends this year, always with a look of cheer, even when i shed a tear

the semesters and has finally come, and to be honest, i'll miss you more than some, because recently you helped me get through something rough, you're one of the few who didn't just say "oh well, that's tough"

i want you to know that while the school year may now be in our past, the impact you've had on my life was vast

what sucks is that i may never see you after today, this leaves me with so many things to say, but so much of it gets lost on the way, with so few words left, this is where i fray

anyway, i hope this poem will hold a special place in your heart and doesn't just get tossed in the dark

see three days ago, i started writing with glee, the reason, to make sure you never forget me and to let you know that you will always be family

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Sunday, May 25, 2008


check this out people, i challenged my cuz merce to a rematch


Carlos "House" Gerardo Vs. Merce (round two)



so how about a new battle?

sure, ill accept your invitation
yet, what to dish out 1st...
what to bring to the occasion?

should i bag on your age?
surely i am not that bland
should i mock your waist?
eehh, i am not that sad

lets go with something more novel
one u havent heard before
any chump can point at your belly and say "look at the pot hole"
but to you i say once more

cuz hate to tell you
but your personality's wack
so sad, but its true~
sorry dude, but its fact

you think your funny
you think your cool
but reality aint sunny
you...your just a tool.



U tell me I’m personally wack, but cuz we both know that we are equally matched, and that is the only fact

u say all this is sad but true, but this is where I turn ur words against u,

Because you’ve given me props, so now why r u giving me drops, changing your mind, Merce, have u lost your shine

I certainly hope not, cuse I sure as hell don’t want to see ur rhymes start to rot

u tell me I’m not funny, but still I make the crowed cheer, unlike you who sounds like you’ve had one to many beers, remember this is the jackasses year

Now what can I say for last, something to cast u into my past, except for the fact that you called me a tool, yet today, look at who’s being made out to be the fool


Sorry cuz but I don’t drink
Which means your rhymes really are starting to stink.
While I have commended your talent in the past
Sadly that’s not the only part of you that’s going fast
You keep talking, spoutin out words
Yet haven’t your realized…that shit’s for the birds

Might I be the fool?
Then you are just the joke
Just a sad little mule
Who sooner or later is gunna croak

Your bashing aint whitty
Its just plain sad
It s such a pitty
Because because those rhymes are bad~

Your not even thinking of new things to say
Sorry hun, but this just isn’t your day



u say my talent is going fast, yet, I know that’s the part of me that will forevermore last

u call me a sad little muel, but we all know u get that the jackasses meaning is duel

ur telling me that my rhymes were bad, but verg, ur comeback today was nothing more than sad

we are both a master of the game, only having these battles to see who is better at rising to fame and representing their name

this honor will always be given to me, shooting your every rhyme down with a feeling of glee, until the day I throw u into the abyss, and u can come up with nothing more than a miss



My comeback was sad?
Awww…maybe you are just mad
The king is being beat
At his own game too…oh how sweet
I shall continue to match each line
I shall prove to you soon, how this battle is mine
Sorry, but the honor is with me
For you will soon see
That merce’s the new master
And you had better think faster
For you are being pushed to your end
Because my skill will transcend
Any half-assed dribbled you could come up with
Sorry but no matter how you writhe
I will not stop
Not until the jackass’s ego goes …pop ^-^



No u see I’m never mad, only glad, finally someone who has a chance of beating me bad

But the king will never taste defeat, because he moves to his own beat, making his words all the more sweet

I never doubt that my opponent will match every line, that’s why I take so much time to make my words shine

Now merce u say that ur the new master and that I better think faster, but I move at my own pace, making it so much easier to throw ur words back in your face

I’m nowhere near the end, in fact my most powerful rhymes have yet to descend


merce (final)

So you dare to keep going?
Or is it merely your ignorance showing?
I do admire your valor
But for you, thinks are about to go sour
I don’t doubt that we are evenly matched
But your role is about to get scratched

We both can rhyme
We both have skill
But its about time
I deliver the kill

You claim to be a king
At turning people’s words against them
Yet there is no such thing
Your not even as good as Eminem

A sad rapper
Nothing but words and no meaning
Just throw it in the crapper
But then again you’re still just weaning

Perhaps one day youll learn to deliver rhymes with actual power
Until then cuz, your still not yet to flower
Blame it on youth, blame it on time
But again I say, this time victory’s mine.



damn right i dare to keep going, except for the fact that it's not ignorance, but determination showing

i find it funny, u called me the king which would fall, but how would u know, because the shit has just begun to hit the wall

u can't beat me at my own game, because i am the beast who has yet to be tamed, go up against me and i will put u to shame

u and i are a master of the art, but still out of u, i hear nothing but barks

u said "victory is mine" like u actually won, when in reality, ur time is over and done, leaving me still standing as number one

now why don't u just scamper away before this jackass leaves u with nothing to say, not much more than the predators prey, because that is the price u have to pay when u go up against the J


Winner: Draw

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


this is a rap battle going on as i type, it is against my friend louis, let's just see how it comes out


Carlos "House" Gerardo Vs. Louis



F**k you right all right
Going at your neck like a f**kin dog bites
I woke up this morning eyes half closed
Looked into the mirror and said damn im cold
Damn im cold and my hoe
Pimp shit nigga keep paying my hoe
Damn Im cold man im throwed
I said damn im cold, hot damn im cold Is it the ice in the piece or the ice in the chains?
Is it the ice in the watch or the ice in the rims?
Or the bracelet, face you feel the chill in yo vains or could it be the two-seater on them thangs
got on a couple gold chains so dang it dang
I swang a thang, from lane to lane
Yeah, its getting hot and you starting to feel the flame



You think you’re so cold, but if u r, ur still not winning the gold, why, because u don’t even know what u have just told

If ur guna try and take me out, don’t just bitch and pout, because at the moment, that’s what I think ur all about

Man I thought u were better than this, but all u can do is talk some shit, it takes time to come up with a good rhyme, but ur so bad, you should just give it up, resign

And I sure as hell don’t sense any heat in the air, so my question is, how can I feel a flame that was never there



Y'all know who I is
Louis coming thru in the bubble eye Benz
See me front in back with the wood all around
Plus I got that *boom boom* surround sound
Don't hate on me boy if you do *pow* get down
Come from under my shirt try to lift you off the ground
But on the other hand, I'ma keep running man
I got about a hundred coming up with three Hummers man
We stuntas man
I might stumble across a grand and give it to you wifey
And watch how she *slurp* on my pipey like a Icee
I might be in a Range that night
I might be in a Lex watching the game tonight
I got a hundred on Kobe, hope he playing it right
But if I lose, its cool, that's some change lil shite
That ain't nothing
I ain't doing nothing if I, I ain't stunting
Hold up, boy be quiet, Louis is coming



Nice, finally I get a little hype, but the thing is, ur still talking like ur on the pipe

U expect me not to hate on u, but like it or not, I hate on everyone dude,

“what do u think it is that keeps me on the ground, I’ll tell u, it’s the big J, revolving around, so watch out, because I am about to steal ur crown

U can keep running all u like, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop putting up a fight, that will only happen after I have entered the light

Now I will be honest, ur doing good in this game, but I have to say I am far from being put to shame, so in the battle I will remain, because u have a problem from which u can’t restrain

U put any thing that comes to ur mind, not even taking the time to decipher the rhyme, man at least people can understand what I write



You might catch me with bandanas and strapped T
On the back street of your block in the back seat
I'ma cap three at the first coward I up and see
I'ma bust the piece and knock his body a couple of feet
When I rush your front door, you get a few to your stomach
Hope they dress you up nice because your funeral Sunday
Nigga shouldn't've played tough - wouldn't've got his head bust
Now your whole livin' room is full of pink and red stuff
Now you're gatted up, full of that vodka and weed added up
Fresh platted up, your T-shirt all tatted up
Crack in the tongue of my kicks
Plus I got a gun on my hip, and I'm runnin' the strip
I know you see me:
A hundred rounds from the chopper leave 'em real sleepy
You know how we be smellin' weedy up in our clothes
Cutthroatin', connivin' killers, but that's all I know


Winner: None

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


ok people this is a rap battle i got into with my cousin merce about a month or two ago, it started as an argument then turned into a battle, check it out


Carlos "House" Gerardo Vs. Merce



well well well merce, how about round two, unless ur to much of a coward to argue, which knowing u, i don’t think that u r



i am not a coward
i accept your challenge
lets see where this goes cuz
im.ready.for.the battle.^_^



u may not be a coward, but u may be a bit stupid, judging by the fact that i never called u a coward, i said and i quote

"well well well merce, how about round two, unless ur to much of a coward to argue, which knowing u, i don’t think that u r"

i never called u a coward, in a way "asked" if u were a coward, u know i find it pretty sad that a senior in high school couldn’t catch that, especially as dumb.....i mean smart as u r



i wasnt saying u called me a coward
i was merely stating for the record that i am not
not lets quit the debate of the diction
and get to the real task

oh, foly, my cuzin carlos, darling
i may be a senior,
but pray it is still in my demeanor,
to let all you youngesters know,
why the upper classmen run the show.
older yes, wiser, only a few
but u should know, that i.can. take you.
in a battle of words, in a race of whit
just know, since its started..
your going to get whipped.



lol it will be a cold day in hell when the upperclassmen run the show, this is my group, and in here, it’s not the older, but the wiser who win these battles, and like u said

"older yes, wiser, only a few"

the question is r u one of the few, obviously not judging that i’ve basically found and shot down every flaw and ur argument, now yes this is a battle of whit, but i am not the one who will get wipped, that roll goes to the crazy goth chick XD


surely, this.dual.meaning.



u replied with a rhyme, so i’ll do the same, but remember u will be put to shame, what can i say, you’ve entered my game

don’t try to beat me at this, remember, compared to me, u can’t even talk shit, and in your own twisted words, this is where u get whipped

now u do have a mind, but while trying to write your crappy rhyme, u waste to much time, to much of yours and to much of mine (lol)

the game has not changed, as u will soon find out i will easily put u to shame, because our styles of speech are very much the same

now u can call me a clown all you like, but that doesn’t make u right, remember i am a jackass, and i always put up a good fight, because that’s who i am, now i say good night, because to me, the end is clearly in sight



say goodnight to whom?
i am an insomniac remember?
i do not dare say i shall soon,
be put down, i am still a contender.
i will not lose to you in a battle of rhyme,
i can compete with the very best,
i do think you will soon find...
i can put u to the test.
throw out insult and jar,
it matters not, fire away.
i shall not be marred,
i will i will in fact stay.
because i will rise to the session
and i will make u take your words back,
because words games are my obsession,
and you will soon will find u lack...
whut it takes to win a game
when merce is at bat.



say goodnight to whom, the answer to that was supposed to be you, because i am an insomniac to

you say u will not lose in a battle of rhyme, but i think it’s only a matter of time until this battle is mine, just know, u will never make ma take my words back, because i am the jackass

word games are something i have , mastered as well, so much so, i will send you to hell, because this is my game, to beat me u must rise to my fame, anything less, and u will be put to shame

now merce, you may be at bat, but your words are nothing but crap, u miss the ball, not even getting a wack


Winner: Merce

Thursday, May 1, 2008



now i'm stuck in a room, my mind went boom, and you know what i had to do

i grabbed my pen, and wondered, where is my ink gonna be sent

so i thought it out, wrote it down, because that's what i'm all about, now this rhyme has grew, we're half way through, what else can i say to you

teach you how to write, i don't have time, in fact, i'm struggling to write this very line

but wait, here we go again, another thought just came to my head, not this is the end, because i was stuck in a room, my mind went boom, i knew what i had to do, but that's what lead to my doom

-Carlos "House" Gerardo