Wednesday, May 14, 2008


ok people this is a rap battle i got into with my cousin merce about a month or two ago, it started as an argument then turned into a battle, check it out


Carlos "House" Gerardo Vs. Merce



well well well merce, how about round two, unless ur to much of a coward to argue, which knowing u, i don’t think that u r



i am not a coward
i accept your challenge
lets see where this goes cuz
im.ready.for.the battle.^_^



u may not be a coward, but u may be a bit stupid, judging by the fact that i never called u a coward, i said and i quote

"well well well merce, how about round two, unless ur to much of a coward to argue, which knowing u, i don’t think that u r"

i never called u a coward, in a way "asked" if u were a coward, u know i find it pretty sad that a senior in high school couldn’t catch that, especially as dumb.....i mean smart as u r



i wasnt saying u called me a coward
i was merely stating for the record that i am not
not lets quit the debate of the diction
and get to the real task

oh, foly, my cuzin carlos, darling
i may be a senior,
but pray it is still in my demeanor,
to let all you youngesters know,
why the upper classmen run the show.
older yes, wiser, only a few
but u should know, that i.can. take you.
in a battle of words, in a race of whit
just know, since its started..
your going to get whipped.



lol it will be a cold day in hell when the upperclassmen run the show, this is my group, and in here, it’s not the older, but the wiser who win these battles, and like u said

"older yes, wiser, only a few"

the question is r u one of the few, obviously not judging that i’ve basically found and shot down every flaw and ur argument, now yes this is a battle of whit, but i am not the one who will get wipped, that roll goes to the crazy goth chick XD


surely, this.dual.meaning.



u replied with a rhyme, so i’ll do the same, but remember u will be put to shame, what can i say, you’ve entered my game

don’t try to beat me at this, remember, compared to me, u can’t even talk shit, and in your own twisted words, this is where u get whipped

now u do have a mind, but while trying to write your crappy rhyme, u waste to much time, to much of yours and to much of mine (lol)

the game has not changed, as u will soon find out i will easily put u to shame, because our styles of speech are very much the same

now u can call me a clown all you like, but that doesn’t make u right, remember i am a jackass, and i always put up a good fight, because that’s who i am, now i say good night, because to me, the end is clearly in sight



say goodnight to whom?
i am an insomniac remember?
i do not dare say i shall soon,
be put down, i am still a contender.
i will not lose to you in a battle of rhyme,
i can compete with the very best,
i do think you will soon find...
i can put u to the test.
throw out insult and jar,
it matters not, fire away.
i shall not be marred,
i will i will in fact stay.
because i will rise to the session
and i will make u take your words back,
because words games are my obsession,
and you will soon will find u lack...
whut it takes to win a game
when merce is at bat.



say goodnight to whom, the answer to that was supposed to be you, because i am an insomniac to

you say u will not lose in a battle of rhyme, but i think it’s only a matter of time until this battle is mine, just know, u will never make ma take my words back, because i am the jackass

word games are something i have , mastered as well, so much so, i will send you to hell, because this is my game, to beat me u must rise to my fame, anything less, and u will be put to shame

now merce, you may be at bat, but your words are nothing but crap, u miss the ball, not even getting a wack


Winner: Merce

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