Wednesday, January 30, 2008


ok jokers and jackasses, this is a rap i wrote for an interview i have coming up at a high school, so here it is


don't judge me by the way i walk, the way i talk, the way i move, the way i grove, just let me talk to you

i wrote this rhyme to let you know, my state of mind is one of a kind, furr high school means a lot to me, because it represents what i could be

now i have done bad in my past, but you must understand, that behavior didn't last, sorry i can't go back and change the past

today i'll show you how i write, how i make material shine, how i connect everything, how my story lines play, and by the and of the day, you'll understand my way of doing things, this is a promise that i have made

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Monday, January 21, 2008


ok people bled white is an indy movie that i am helping promote, please go check out the website at for more updates

here's the trailer

Sunday, January 20, 2008


J and the X

I'll always be wearing two letters as my personal crest, the J and the X, above my heart and under my chest, the J to show that i am the best and the X to tell that i am straight edge, these two letters that i represent

J, the jackass that'll burn you to ash, you go up against me and you won't even last, nothing you could say can put me down, make me frown, because inside i'll always be wearing a crown, yea i may be a clown, but you can't run me into the ground

the X represents straight edge, i chose to go a different road, one that leads to the gold, something everyone knows, but not as many show

i'm not into drug use, all it does is give your body abuse and cause half the shit you see on the news, this is something i'm not willing to do

like i said, i'll always be wearing two letters as my personal crest, the J and the X, above my heart and under my chest, but unlike most of the rest, the ones that act like pest, these two things have gained me respect

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Monday, January 14, 2008


Straight Edge

Straight Edge, none of that crap's ever going to fill my head, because i don't want to end up on my death bed, struggling for every last breath

i'm talking about drugs, they're taken out of depression and not out of love, and eventually they'll lead you to die, while the people around you cry, all this shit for a short lived high that fucks up your mind

being straight edge is something i'll never regret, it's the only thing i represent, because drugs cause an addiction that can't be controlled, and that's not how i roll

no alcohol either, i don't want to be a drunk, what i have is enough, i don't need that just, what do i look like, a punk

i'm Straight Edge till the end, inside, i'll alwayse be wearing the X, over my heart, and under my chest

-Carlos "House" Gerardo



A Girls Heart

When it comes to winning a girls heart, most guys figure out that it's not easy from the start, in some peoples mind this leaves a mark, a black spot left in the guys heart

just be yourself, if you do that, maybe you wont need any help, put a smile on her face, one that no-one could replace, write her a song, make it long

tell her she looks stunning, even if she looks crappy from just getting up in the morning, never let her feel hated, she needs to be appreciated

laugh at all her jokes, especially when others don't, never be a jerk, and every now and then, just flirt, who knows, maybe one day, it'll work

-Carlos "House" Gerardo



Change is a word that i hear everyday, not as a question, but as a suggestion

i like who i am, if you don't like me, i don't give a damn, because i am the jackass

i tell it like it is, i'm not just a little bitch, i always stay and tell the shit, not steering away from the subject like most of the rest, because i am the best, you want to put that to the test, go ahead, i'll pass in the end

you want to argue with me, if you do, you'll just get beat, so just let me be, in fact don't even try, because my rhymes will make you cry, remember, i am the jackass, not just another guy

i'll hate on you whenever i want, when i do, i'll always be blunt, because i don't give a fuck, and i'm not going to change, at least not today

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Thursday, January 10, 2008


now peoples, this rap was written for my friend mandy, for the sole reason of pissing her off, it has to deal with a chance i got to go to china, so enjoy

Chinese Theme Song

I'm going to china, depression's guna overcome, mandy's guna get her gun, so i better run

homicide, suicide, all these thoughts running through her mind, a place where no man dare hide, because if they do, they will die

now while mandy sits here and vents, i'm guna go represent in another continent, the original orient

traveling all around, i'm going to throw some rhymes down, in, every single town

i get to go to the bejing zoo, sorry mandy, unlike you, i get to walk on the great wall, and that's not nearly all

i get to help teach english, to some chinese kids, wow their parents will be pissed, when i teach them to say BITCH

i promise to leave my mark, and yes i'll send you a card, from the asian hallmark, man these rhymes are getting hard

when i get back from where i go, i'll have a lot to show

like when i represented the U.S., with the chinese government, how many people get to do that, i have every right to brag

this is me speaking my mind, telling you it'll be one of a kind, taking up 17 days of my time, but with the best, i will ride, that's why i wrote this rhyme

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Saturday, January 5, 2008


alright peoples check this out, i wrote this rap because people always find some reason to give me shit, just because i flunked a grade, now this is for all those idiots who looked down on me for it


I flunked, people say because of it that i've just become a punk, well i'm about to shut them all up

yea i flunked and had to change schools, now that wasn't cool, because i lost a lot of friends, the feeling of hurt was not pretend, but at my old school i was doing bad, i was the kid who was always flunking the class, but i admit, IT WAS MY FAULT, because i did nothing in class but sit on my ass and slack, but i had a reason for that, hell, the teachers just never gave a crap

even when i tried, they just left me behind, during those times, i remember sitting in my room and crying, so finally, i said, SCREW IT, I'M DONE WITH THIS SHIT, that's when i stopped doing the work, i remember my mom's feelings were hurt, but only a few teachers ever gave me help, for the rest of them, they can burn in hell

i hated it at lanier, everything was way to organized, and all the kids were preppy and up tight, only a few of us ever saw eye to eye, and for some reason, that hurt me inside, that's the feelings that inspired me to write this rhyme

now i'm at a new school, honestly, i think it rules, because i have an awesome new set of friends, with whom i perfectly blend

the teachers actually care, they put on classes that i an bare, i love it there because i can just have fun, and everybody's not stuck up

since i've been going to edison, my grades have been much higher, and i've become a writer, there i can speak my mind, and not just get shot down for trying

so between edison and lanier, it's edison hands down, i say that seriously and not clowning around, this school might not be the best, but to me, it's better than the rest, remember it's not the school that makes itself bad, it's the few students who just sit on their ass

like i said, yea i flunked, you can call me a punk, but i don't give a fuck, because if you look down on me for one mistake, you're doing nothing but hate, but just look at me, because of the change, my life turned out great

-Carlos "House" Gerardo



Words have the power to love, hate, appreciate, even discriminate, either way, words are the things that'll make this rap work

my words are my weapons, i use them for defense, but sometimes it's not always pleasant, because some people just act like peasants

my words are never a bore, because among the people i know they start many wars, and many friendships have been torn, that's why you should never underestimate any words scorn, because they can pierce you like a thorn, but my words, have also let me be reborn

i am a trash talker, a word watcher, just waiting for the opprotunity to shock the community, how, by making my words work in unity, when i talk crap, i don't stop to think about it, because if i did, the words would be shit

hurt is a feeling that my words insure, for that there is no cure, because it gets into your mentality, and after a while, makes you question your sanity, some people call insults taboo, for them, i say FUCK YOU, because that's something i'm going to continue to do

from my view you either speak lyrics or lies

lyrics are the words that come from the mind, they're the ones that shine, but lies, born from times that made you cry inside

lyrics are what i speak, if i didn't that'd just prove that i was weak, something that no trash talker needs, because weakness is what leads to them getting beat

the words in this rap are my personal works, some of the few i didn't just blert, why i just sat down and wrote, i don't know, i guess i just wanted something of my own to show

-Carlos "House" Gerardo