Monday, January 14, 2008


Straight Edge

Straight Edge, none of that crap's ever going to fill my head, because i don't want to end up on my death bed, struggling for every last breath

i'm talking about drugs, they're taken out of depression and not out of love, and eventually they'll lead you to die, while the people around you cry, all this shit for a short lived high that fucks up your mind

being straight edge is something i'll never regret, it's the only thing i represent, because drugs cause an addiction that can't be controlled, and that's not how i roll

no alcohol either, i don't want to be a drunk, what i have is enough, i don't need that just, what do i look like, a punk

i'm Straight Edge till the end, inside, i'll alwayse be wearing the X, over my heart, and under my chest

-Carlos "House" Gerardo


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