Sunday, December 23, 2007


Rhymes For The Times

rhymes for the times, the blog that's one of a kind, filled with things that come to my mind

i call them raps, but the entries could also be called rants, writin and typed by my own hand, nothing in this blog is bland, and not a single one planned

i sit in my chair, every rhyme written without a care, i get my pen out of my minds lost and found, its ink, paper bound, and with it, i write my rhymes down, when i write them i don't act like a clown, because if i did, i'd run the material into the ground

when i write i concentrate, sometimes i use hate, because when i do, the rhymes come out great, those entries, some people say might start a fight, but who cares, even if that's not what i had in sight, if they were written for that, it wouldn't be right,and i'd probably pay the price, just remember, my rhymes are about life, if you don't life them, to bed, because i'm going to continue to write

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Friday, December 21, 2007


look peoples this rap is for a girl named avery, this bitch went and lied to everybody, spreading rumors that i was bi, I AM NOT FUCKING BI, now i say this, pay back's a bitch, because after x/mas, this rap's going to be seen all around the school, but you get to see it early


avery, i used to have good things to say about her, but now that's nothing but a blur

one day this girl played me, now for her i have no sympathy, because this girl wont let me be, this girl's just spreading lies, she's got nothing better to do, because she has no life

she's one of the problems that i put away, little did i know she'd still be a distraction today, the bitch just wont steer astray

she needs to get over it, start to live in the present and not in the past, but our moment of peace will never last long, because my view of her was completely wrong, that's why i'm writing this rap/song

she went and told people that i was bi, but that was a lie, you're the only one who likes chicks and dicks, you're nothing but a sorry slut, because every two weeks, you have a new love, you want to tell people lies, well i'll tell them the truth about you

remember the things you told me on myspace, i'm about to let all of it out, because i've seen the mind behind your face

what the fuck, you're only fourteen and you already lost your virginity, what a pity, HA, you'd probably screw a guy for a penny

you know what, screw it, i'm not like you, i'm not a lying bitch who looks like a witch, i am something, but you're not shit besides a desperate bitch, hell, your parents should have dumped you in a ditch

now there is a difference between you and i, simply put, i live by lyrics, you live by lies

-Carlos "House" Gerardo


Rhythm And Poetry

people ask me all the time, why do i write so many rhymes, and i tell them, it's my way of speaking my mind

when i have a problem, i don't act like a clown, i write it down and put it away in a place that it will stay, with the hope that i wont have to deal with it on another day

now there are so many people who are quick to criticize my rhymes, but they don't realize that they never try to compromise, those people don't see what the raps really mean, the inside that's meant to be seen

the point that i was trying to make, people call themselves rappers, but when they don't see the morals, it makes me think they are fake, a person who was created and not self made

rhythm and poetry, that's the exact definition of rap to me, i'm not a rapper to the core, but i just keep writing more, it's just something i do well, so for anybody who dough's me, i say, fuck you all to hell

-Carlos "House" Gerardo


whats up jokers, this is a rap for my best friend samantha, this is one of the longer one's that i've wrote, so check it out

p.s. most of them get longer form her on out


it's been three and a half years since we meet, your friendship is one that i do not regret, because when it comes to friends, you're the best

i remember one time you called me crying, that night, inside i was dying

you had spent the day with your dad, he called you fat and asked if you were on slim fast, let me say, you, fat, you're nowhere near that,when he said it he was full of crap, hopefully now, that's in your past

you see a different side of me, with you i can simply be, you've seen me at my best, and unfortunately, you've seen me at my worst, that's when i scream and curse,for those times i apologize

you're a girl who's sweet, one who i was glad to meet, and one of the few who understands me, because we have matching personalities, it's funny, you probably know more about me than my family, because you're there and you care

i like hearing the sound of your voice, because your words aren't just noise, you're a friend who i can talk to everyday, and that i appreciate, you're someone who just does not hate

ten minutes a call just isn't enough, so it's tough, and it's rough, but i don't give a fuck, because you're worth my time, that's why i wrote this rhyme

thanks to mr.white, i meet a girl who's extremely bright,and who can put up a good fight, i've heard a lot about your life, weather it be, sex loves, drugs, i respect the fact that you trust me enough to tell me that, because we've formed a pact

samantha, you're my best friend, one that i don't want to lose, and i wrote this rap for you

-Carlos "House" Gerardo



her name is angelina, she can be mean, but she's really sweet, when in an argument she never gets beat, because she can take the heat

when she looks like she has an attitude, she's really in a good mood and not trying to be rude, this girl has a thing that's not easy to get, that's my respect, because she knows how to take charge, hell this girl is one who'll never need a bodyguard, because when she stands tough, we all know she's had enough

this girl isn't ugly, she's pretty and hot, she's not a fool, she's just cool,and her beauty makes guys want to drool, so beautiful, she's like an angel who fell from the sky, she could get any guy

angelina, once upon a time you were cheated on, that guy didn't deserve you, that's why he's gone, no guy has the right to play you, because it's rude and it sticks in your head like glue

you're pretty and cute, i feel sorry for any guy who gives you the boot, because you're a girl they'd be insane to lose

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Thursday, December 20, 2007



her name's christina and you'll never find anyone sweeter, she keeps to her self for most of the day, but i guess thats just her way of doing things, sitting there with a pretty look on her face

for her education's not a blur, yea she gets things done, but she also knows how to have fun

this girl is nice, this girl has spice, this girl is alright, she's one of the few who's not uptight, i feel sorry for any guy who tells her to take a hike,when you lose her, you lose a girl who was cool and not a fool

if you make fun of her, you're just a jerk who's after the perks of seeing a pretty girl hurt, if you do you should just shove your face in the dirt, how could you treat a girl that way, especially one with such a pretty face, when i see her sad it, makes me mad, knowing that some jerk treated her bad

as i said, this girl is nice, this girl i like, anybody who insults her just needs to get a life

no christina, don't be sad and don't get mad, you are who you are, you are very smart, anyone who doesn't accept you for that just doesn't have a heart

the moral: don't change

-Carlos "House" Gerardo


now people this is not for one of my friends, this for my cousin marissa, she's getting married in 2008 and i wrote this for her and her soon to be husband, enjoy


marissa, she's a cousin of mine, one of the few who was worth the time i put into this rhyme, and when i say that i do not lie

she's getting married in 2008, in a place she now calls her home state, and we all know she's ahppy by the look on her face

to the guy who won her heart, congratulations, you got a girls who's, smart, pretty, and bright, treat her well and we'll be alright, do that and you'll have both my trust and respect, treat her bad and you'll lose those two things fast, when i say that, i mean you might never get them back, now let's get back to the rap

marissa isn't the kind of girl who just cooks in the kitchen and listens to guys bitching, she knows what's right, and you better believe she'll stand up and fight, she's also thankful for all that she has, because she lives in the present and not in the past, now we've reached the end at last

marissa, four years of law school have made you who you are today, so i pray that things will stay the same and never change

-Carlos "House" Gerardo



her name is mayra, but i call her chupacabra, because her bark's just as bad as her bite, maybe i should just rename her dynamite, because she always puts up a good fight

she's a good friend that can be depended on, and that's something that i defend until the bitter end

her smiles almost as pretty as her face

yea she looks good, better than most of the girls at this school, i even saw one guy look at her and drool, not to mention she's cool

i've heard people say her jokes are over rated, but i just say they're understated, her sense of humor's great, one joke can hit you in the face, while another sends you into space

she's one of a kind when it comes to her state of mind, so i say this, respect, she has mine

-Carlos "House" Gerardo


ok jokers and jackass's this is the first of a series of raps that i'm writing for different friends of mine check it out and tell me what you think


her name is mandy and she comes in handy, when you have something to say, she never turns you away, she gives good advice, because her words are smart, they come from the heart, and they all have spark

she always has a smile on her face that not even a model could replace, she may look as fragile as a vase, but she can be as vicious as a snake

like the saying goes, looks like a butteerfly, stings like a bee, because we all know how much of a jackass she can be

she's all of the above, plus she's never afraid to show some love, mandy's a true friend who sticks with you till the end

she's a beautiful girl who makes guys insides curl and is pretty as a pearl

if i'm reading this we're in Ms.V's class and mandy's probably sitting on her ass, this sentence making her laugh

so i say this to her

mandy you're a friend i don't want to loose and i wrote this rap for you

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Wednesday, December 19, 2007



last week i was played by a girl i wont name, and that was the untimate shame, knowing that i was just part of her game

the rap below was ment for her

five months ago we meet, since then you earned both my trust and respect, those two things are not easy to get, but still you lost them in a single breath

you shared your secrets with me, sex, drugs, past and present loves, all of the above, you even saw a side of me that others do not, you got to see past the jackass and see behind my make, to see that i was much more than that, was abet really worth losing my trust and respect, like i said you lost them faster than a fighter jet

the day that inspired this rap, i learned something about you, you can talk shit but you can't take it, girl that's pathetic, you're a coward who can't even fight her own battles, you ran to your mother, a woman who just needs to be smothered,you think you're cool, you think you rule,you're just a fat chick who needs to get slapped, when you talk crap, you best believe i'm going to talk it right back

me writing this rap means i'm casting you into my past, and telling you never to come back, you came at a cost, because the great girl before you was lost, you caused a problem that i did not need, you just played me, for you i have no sympathy, and to you i give no apologies

-Carlos "House" Gerardo



respect is a thing that not many people expect, because the world is not nice and the respect is rejected

respect is a thing that should be earned and not just burned, because it is something that we all yearn

not many people have earned my respect over the years, and those who haven't are the ones who i've brought to tears

my respect is not easily earned you see, it all depends on how much of a joker that you can be, if you can talk shit and take it, how well you put up and how easily you are shut up

respect is a thing that should be earned and not just burned, because it is something that we all yearn

but these are not the only things i look for in the people i give my respect to, i look at their strength in them self, their rank in a grou, and weather their life is just going around in a loop, if they can actually lead or just act like the big cheese, hell are they easy to please, or just needy and greedy

respect is a thing that should be earned and not just burned, because it is something that we all yearn

half the people who have my respect are nothing but jerks, who blurt this bizare shit that works, they're not much more than little shits, but their words are a hit,they're smart, they're dark, they come from the heart, and they all have spark

if you want my respect, the rap above gives the rules, just be cool, you have a chance to earn it, because i don't burn the things we yearn

-Carlos "House" Gerardo


No Apologies

i insult many people every single day, that's why so many people don't like me because of my wicked way, hell not many people know how to play my game, so i end up putting them to shame

NO APOLOGIES, these people just hate on me because i express my dreams

there are so many people who think they can talk shit, but all they can do is cry out loud, like a baby awake in its crib, but everyone of them is just acting like a bitch

NO APOLOGIES, these people just hate on me because i express my dreams

a lot of people tell jokes, but the half of them just chock, they think they're at the top, but we all know they're not, people just try to piss me off, because my nickname is the jackass, bit watch out, because i just burned them to ashes

NO APOLOGIES, these people just hate on me because i express my dreams

now i say this to the next group of idiots who are guna try and insult me, you better not even try, because i'm guna make you cry, and next thing you know, you're just guna choke and die, now this is my goodbye

NO APOLOGIES, these people just hate on me because i express my drams

-Carlos "House" Gerardo


ok people this is for a different girl then the one labeled "This Girl"

This Girl Remix

this girl

this girl i met

this girl i liked

this girl was nice

this girl had spice

this girl was the one

this girl knew how to have fun

this girl i loved

this girl who turned me back into a poet

this girl i used to go with

this girl was there

this girl was one who cared

this girl was never a bore

but this girl was not the one i was looking for

this girl i lost

this girl came at a cost

the great girl before her was lost

this girl was not seeking love

this girl just played me

when i found this out, i said, bitch please you are causing problems that i do not need

to this girl i give no apologies

this girl i was glad to lose

and hey girl this poems for you

-Carlos "House" Gerardo


This Girl

this girl

this girl i met

this girl i like

this girl's the one

this girl i love

this girl who's turned me into a poet

this girl i go with

this girl who's there

this girl who cares

this girl who's never a bore

this girl i've been waiting for

this girl i don't want to lose

hey girl this poem's for you

-Carlos "House" Gerardo


Facts Of Death

what was badge is now white, and turning to green

what was black is now purple, and turning to gray

what was brown is now gray, and steering astray

the sky that was once blue, now is no more

the cars, the trees, the birds, and the bee's, are no longer there for you to see

you lie in a casket, six feet under the earth

still awake, your nightmare has come true, because there's no one up there waiting for you

these are the dark thoughts now caught in your head

but these are simply the facts of death

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


one cut can solve your problems

one cun can change your life

one cut can take your life

one cut can do a lot

one cut can hit you in the face, while another sends you into space

one cut can bother people such

one cut can hurt so much

one cut is a powerful thing, that shouldn't be messed with anyway

-Carlos "House" Gerardo


Poetic Decay

the death of a poet can be a beautiful thing, as the skin withers and rots away

the body turns black, as the eyes steer astray

bacteria grows, as the teeth break away

their skin turns to leather, and the bones to dust

their beautiful casket, now ugly and brown

their tuxedo or dress, now smelly and old

these are the things that come after death, but there's still one left

because last of all comes the putrid stench, of poetic death

-Carlos "House" Gerardo


this is a poem that i wrote for the school yearbook last year

School's Out

school's out, it's over it's done

we joked, we laughed, we hated, we loved, we made friends, we lost friends, but we sure had fun

don't look back, those times are gone, they've flown away until the next august day

keep your memories near and hold your tears, because the last bell's rung and we've made it through the year

-Carlos "House" Gerardo


sergio last time we rapped, i chewed you up and shit you out, what makes you think you can win now

all you can do is bitch and shout, until i come out and shut your mouth, and even then you pout, you got nothing on me but that i'm fat, and i bet that's what your rap's guna say, because that's all you can say 24 hours a day, but hey i am and i can't change that, but at least i can rap, even elder's crap was better than your last rap

man last time your rap's rhymes has no shine, HA, unlike mine, mines had rhythm, mines had rhyme, it was slick, it was sly, hell yours just died, now you're a cool guy, but you have a problem that comes out all the time, you can talk shit but you can't take it, dude that's pathetic

i hope one day they find you dead in a ditch, your head bashed in with a brick, and a sign by your side, from your pimp, it reads, HE WAS MY BITCH

-Carlos "House" Gerardo


now this was made for a rap battle vs. a guy named elder

elder acts like he's bad, but he ain't nothing but a fag who gets fucked by his dad, he thinks he can rap but we all know he can't

elder ain't nothing but a dude who sucks dick, he writes his raps so fast that their nothing but crap,

but mine, i write them slow so they flow, elder just tries to put on a show, but it blows

at home he just plays with his dick because he can't get a chick, and if he does she's probably a bitch

at the time i wrote this it was 9:26 and he still hadn't wrote shit

i'll finish this now because i took to much time, and plus, elder still has to write his rhyme

-Carlos "House" Gerardo


ok peoples i'm starting from my first raps and working my way up and yes they do get better as i go, this is my first rap, it was made for a guy named sergio, when we started rap battles, here it goes

his name is sergio, he acts like a gangster, but he's just a wanna be player, sergio talks shit up, but not before i shut him up, and he always uses the same crap, man he just needs to get bitch slapped, he's a cocky little shit with a dick in his mouth that he don't want to take out, his time is done, i'll tell you what he's got left in him, NONE

sergio's just a fag with no balls in his bag, he thinks he's good enough to beat this jackass, HA, he wishes he was that much of a badass

and last of all remember, he ain't shit, because at the and of the day, he's still my sorry bitch

-Carlos "House" Gerardo