Thursday, December 20, 2007



her name is mayra, but i call her chupacabra, because her bark's just as bad as her bite, maybe i should just rename her dynamite, because she always puts up a good fight

she's a good friend that can be depended on, and that's something that i defend until the bitter end

her smiles almost as pretty as her face

yea she looks good, better than most of the girls at this school, i even saw one guy look at her and drool, not to mention she's cool

i've heard people say her jokes are over rated, but i just say they're understated, her sense of humor's great, one joke can hit you in the face, while another sends you into space

she's one of a kind when it comes to her state of mind, so i say this, respect, she has mine

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

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