Friday, February 15, 2008


True Familia

familia to me isn't about the blood, it's about those whom you love, the people you deal with everyday, the ones that never stray

these are the people i trust with my life, they actually care about what i write, listening or reading every last rhyme, these people i can depend on, and everyone is strong

can my familia argue, HA, that's not even an issue, this is all true, start shit with us and you will loose, especially me, i am the strong point of the group

jokers and jackasses, we'll burn you to ash without even touching a flame or a match, remember we are the main attraction, causing every distraction

inlike birthright family, they're supposed to offer security, but all i see is controversy, and with that, there is no glee, only the desire to be set free

only a small group of people can be called familia with grantee, those are the people who are always there for me, this is real family


-Carlos "House" Gerardo

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