Friday, February 29, 2008


ok people this is a poem that i wrote for an assignment in english class, it's kind of corny, by enjoy

The Unlucky Day

my name is jay, i am a moth, i have hair that covers my body like cloth, today you,ll read about the day i died, all because of a simple light

it was the end of the day, the time when humans go away and i came out and play, all was well until midnight, that's when i saw something bright, it was a light, and just inside my range of flight

i noticed that when i flew, the light always grew, i was so active and it was so attractive

then i was finally there, but when the light touched my hair, ZAP, i fell out of the air

now it is the end of my life, and i warn, don't go towards the light

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

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