Monday, November 23, 2009


the first shot has been fired, the question is, how will she respond.


Vengeance, oh how bitter sweet, as one two, BAM, students compete

One has rep, the other flow, I stare her down and this she knows

But this is not what it’s about, but I still laugh, watching her shout

Takes it for hers, haha, no chance, I took more than just one glance

Screenplay is mine, based off cartoon, draw your gun, it is high noon

Ten paces back, to late you’re there, bullets in back, fired from stares

Angry tirade inside the crowed, yet you stand there a silenced sound

Speak but my words back me up, fingers, keyboard, call my bluff

No chance in hell, you’ll pull this off, with my words coming out as coughs

Bacteria spread by just your voice, now school wide, all but rejoice

Announcements, oh my god the hate, hearing your voice, we go irate

Screw swine flu, you are the plague, now your life lines grow so vague

Everyday, we feel the pain, blood boils inside our veins

But I don’t speak out just for me, but for others who can’t get free

So many speak, but cannot face, in front of you, a shattered vase

You see that it is just not I, but you’ve created this divide

Between soldiers, this battleground, boom boom bang bang, gunfire sounds

Anger bleeds out through our tears, we know the cause but feel no fear

Anti-virus for this plague, come on speak up, first move’s been made

-Carlos “House” Gerardo

Thursday, November 19, 2009



tears ball up
i hold them back
sitting with friend
but i feel no slack

about to burst
but cannot here
inside this class
they'll mock my tears

poetry is
what gets me through
ha ha i laugh
what can i do

i grab my pen
holding my tongue
towards my head
are the pointed guns

russian roulette
bang bang one shot
six empty spaces
only one filled slot

with this space
comes the end of might
all will is gone
with reason to fight

life in itself
is a deadly game
but is it of yours
or others blame

the thoughts which
make me feel this way
no reasons but
somehow i fray

the voices AHHH
i want to scream
but can't think now
nightmares from dreams

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Friday, November 13, 2009


this is also another for my stories, it is used to show my character at his breaking point

Tidal Waves

Anger, hatred, let me free, into this, one world, meant for me

pert of, the few, not let go, if on-ly, you could, see me flow

in this, harsh world, with high tides, waters, hiding, how i've cried

oceans, wept out, for my tears, lyrics, sprouted, eyeliner smeared

anger, hatred, let me free, into this, one world, meant for me

you see i, am a-bout to break, under, this shroud, oh so fake

some will, call it, human need, but watch me, as i, sit and bleed

cut through, my wrists, with this blade, time just, goes on, lifeline fades

anger, hatred, let me free, into this, one world, meant for me

i am part, of a, dead-ly race, the speed ra-cer, held in place

but the, whistle, has just blown, tires, flattened, cause unknown

they just, left me, right be-hind, expel, these thoughts, from my mind

anger, hatred, let me free, into this, one world, meant for me

trying to, catch up, with my fate, there is much, i need, to debate

i de-fine, my, lifelong path, drowning, within, my bloodbath

all these, cruel thoughts, fill my head, my mind, is al-ready dead

anger, hatred, let me free, into this, one world, meant for me

many, shun me, for my thoughts, when few, know how, i have fought

right here, just to, stay alive, want to, end it, still i thrive

nonex-istence, biggest fear, love to, breath, but hate to tear

anger, hatred, let me free, into this, one world, meant for me

with these, oceans, tidal waves, i stand, my ground, acting brave

courage, knowledge, all of these slide, knocked out, as this, wave collides

i write as, these were, my last jots, in a, world bli-stering hot

anger, hatred, let me free, into this, one world, meant for me

my heart, bleeds out, no more flow, but this world, will not, let me go

this is, how i, spend my time, expressing, my thoughts, through this rhyme

acting, as my, sharpened blade, cutting, my wrists, blood homemade

anger, hatred, let me free, into this, one world, meant for me

things change, so fast, over time, you will, never, see me shine

my life, has al-ready passed, my nu-ckles, impaled with glass

my strength, weakened, from these signs, my life, a dead-ly design

still i, sit here, bullet through head, did you not, realize, i was dead

these were my, last words, on this sphere..........who thought the, end would, be so near

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Tuesday, October 27, 2009



her stitches removed
after so long she smiles
her flow has improved
as her heart sits a while

how glad i am to see
that the wise girl is back
letting emotions free
but allowing no slack

this is her life again
for so long taken away
by an ignorant zen
who had so much to say

everyday he would bitch
just day after day
falling into a ditch
giving her no reason to stay

one year of hell
yet it was not a waste
she has seen the darkness
and taken a taste

straight from the glass
the elixer has been drunk
causing her to crash
the moment heart sunk

by the fires of hell
it was a heated year
yet she still felt a bond
which brought nothing but drear

she felt months of sorrow
for one moment in time
when yesterday was tomorrow
her smile just shined

but now it has returned
it has regained its shape
retaking its harmony
on its own without tape

there is still a break
but it heals with speed
revealing how much it can take
as it lets her not bleed

it took her some time
but her life now goes on
emotions captured in rhyme
when her days are long gone

inspiring poetry
her life is all but bland
by the name if Elizabeth
one of the few lives lived grand

-Carlos "House" Gerardo



a broken heart
it once beat loud
now it is in parts
deafening the sound

picking up a piece
the feel of shattered glass
a cut creates a crease
you have missed your pass

this girl is now gone
any chance you once had
you feel like a pawn
in a chess game so sad

the game already done
you were the last to go
your opponent has won
and your heartbeat has slowed

you just feel like shit
your hands fill with cuts
as rhymes become frostbit
and your mouth remains shut

but what would you say
you cannot oppose
one could speak out all day
but who are you to impose

you are but one boy
holding his very tongue
in front of her just a toy
with lyrics already sung

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Sunday, October 25, 2009


and now another form the story, it is entitled we are here

We Are Here

we are here, we are here, living in a cold fear

of the ghosts, from our past, when our present will not last

bigger fears, coming soon, as we reach out for the moon

but will we, ever teach, that it is now out of reach

we are here, we are here, living in a cold fear

the sad truth, grabs at us, in a life we won't give up

we are damned, still we pray, in a world with much to say

not much left, that can reflect, but history filled with neglect

we are here, we are here, living in a cold fear

of the future, we once adorned, but now we have seen its' horns

the devil has, come forth, yet we cannot go up north

due to our lasting goal, which turns fires to freezing cold

we are here, we are here, living in a cold fear

weapons in hand, by our sides, yet on the ice we now slide

towards our fears, we now face, but we feel all but displaced

it was our choice, to stay in hell, despite the carnage yet to tell

we are here, we are here, living in a cold fear

failed as one, lost as few, none of us know what to do

we all comment, one in the same, all of us are to be blamed

in this world, lost long ago, we put on an eternal show

we are here, we are here, living in a cold fear

not knowing what, to do next, i translate this into text

these are our lives, written down, and spoken in bitter sound

once again, we sit close, listening for sounds of ghosts

we are here, we are here, living in a cold fear

but soon days, end will come, either by a bite or gun

no matter which, we are all damned, cut short of gods' very plan

but we still live, yet what for, when we want a life no more

we are here, we are here, living in a cold fear

now it boils, down to this, when we will take nobody's shit

fighting with, the very few, still clueless of what to do

yet we stand, guitar and pick, while holding all of our lips

we are here, we are here, living in a cold fear

of a tyrant, the undead, all of these thoughts up in our heads

we have no choice, but to give in, that is why i grab my pen

one last choice, in this hell, that is truly lacking voice

we are here, we are here, living in a cold fear

an echo, from the past, in days when our voice used to last

once again, we stand alone, our futures remain unknown

we envy those, who have met death, but we love life to last breath

kicking off, to the side, off those thoughts of suicide

we are here, we are here, living in a cold fear

we are here, we are here, our home full of dread and drear

but at last, i close this song, hoping changes won't take long

because we are here, we are here, living in a cold fear

so long it, often takes, come on god give us a break

we have lived, we've stayed strong, damn it what have we done wrong

over time, losing faith, in a world already replaced

the remnants, of a race, a species bent on one case

destruction, our goal was met, something we wish we could forget

we are here, we are here, living in a cold fear

i hope to god, our goal will last, engulfed in the flames so vast

the fire has, grown so bold, and we may die of freezing cold

jackets on, gun by side, i'll just watch as we collide

we are here, we are here, living in a cold fear

in this dead world, we hold dear, fighting through this freezing fear

we are here, we are here, consumed by this cold and fear

we are here, we are here..........oh how i have held my tears

we are here, but not for long, i hope i will be proven wrong

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


here is another song for my stories, it is entitled memories


boom boom, bang bang, i sat there just watched and sang

boom boom, bang bang, i sat there just watched and sang

but what can, you do, when bullets fly in front of you

straight through, the air, feeling like shit just standing there

you are, alone, chilled as bullets fly through bone

boom boom, bang bang, i sat there just watched and sang

boom boom, bang bang, i sat there just watched and sang

but you know, me now, i could not just live it down

i do, not fight, i grab my pen begin to write

so now, we sit, in a crowd watchin' me spit

boom boom, bang bang, i sat there just watched and sang

boom boom, bang bang, i sat there just watched and sang

and now, it's done, but we still stand with pointed guns

into, the crowd, silenced but voices heard loud

but who is, to blame, we've survived life's deadly game

boom boom, bang bang, i sat there just watched and sang

boom boom, bang bang, i sat there just watched and sang

we've damned, ourselves, from many mouths but from one shelf

we're hu-man beings, raised by wars, weapons, and kings

who are we, to judge, our history is stained with blood

boom boom, bang bang, i sat there just watched and sang

boom boom, bang bang, i sat there just watched and sang

now this, is it, as i sing right where we sit

sentenced, to life, avoiding death with guns and knives

bang bang, boom boom, bullets silenced with deadly zooms

boom boom, bang bang, i sat there just watched and sang

boom boom, bang bang, i reflect on lyrics sang

in times, long past, i wonder how they did not last

or if, they did, in this song they'll never rid

until i, go to bed, and all of this crap just leaves my head

bang bang, boom boom, these feelings will be gone too soon

boom boom, bang bang

boom boom, bang bang

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Thursday, October 15, 2009


I Am What I Learn

I am what I learn
The thoughts which fill my head
Engraved in my memories
Everyday before bed

But this is not all I am
I am more than just thoughts
More than just the slam
Which forms my life’s plot

I will make myself known
In this universe vast
In the wind my name blown
Not just part of the past

This is what all of us thrive
To be an eternal thought
For those of us who survive
Until the earth rots

I say I am what I learn
Not because of my mind
But because of the fact
That I am but a time

History in the future
The future of the last
We all live in the present
Which has already passed

What you see is a snapshot
Of what I used to be
After I began to jot
And set my rhymes free

I am what I learn
And I have learned the lessons of life
Never with my back turned
But facing the knife

But with this mindset
My wisdom has grown
Not by that taught in school
But what was learned on my own

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Tuesday, October 13, 2009



you were the only bed habit
that was easy to break
but i still hate you
because this smile is fake

these are the words of a girl
to me a very good friend
so easy to smile
yet so hard to pretend

underneath her smile
her face remains soaked
tears sink into skin
as her heart remains cloaked

but this is a story
which needs to be told
held within the heart
forcing it to turn cold

unique is this girl
wisdom bears her name
her mind continues to swirl
as she alone feels the blame

she had her heart broken
just shattered apart
now she standds unspoken
just playing the part

she leads a false life
her smile cloaking neglect
the grin may be precise
but it will never perfect

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Untitled Love Poem

what can one say
when a love is to death
on your mind every day
a girl who you give your breath

you crack a joke
just to see her smile
ignoring the world
as your heart runs a mile

it's beat never resting
the flow undisturbed
in your mind love is nesting
causing a loss for words

when you two are alone
the light of sparks fill the air
you are chilled to the bone
but have no reason to care

just holding her hand
butterflies take to wind
your heartbeat is a band
harmony it now sends

you glance at your stills
and a smile grows on your face
once again you get chills
as your heart picks up the pace

when speaking of love
on your mind, there she is
an angel sent from above
bearing the name ...

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Thursday, September 24, 2009


one life created
then whiskered away
a subject often debated
leaving nothing to fray

could it be nature
or is it regret
brought by our own heart
but damned by neglect

this is the story of one
who left before breath
a life barely begun
but destined for death

by the name of echo
a chance at life was lost
the heart had a flow
but it came at a cost

there are some who sob
but others who cheer
not because of the loss
but because of the year

had he been born
what world would he face
where only the rich are adorned
a species bent on disgrace

on justice we thrive
we've imprisoned ourselves
destroying not only our lives
but those of others as well

alone as a people
already separated by plate
we stand alone at the steeple
waiting to meet our fate

some of us have patience
yet others can't hold
either due to a life lived
or what they've been told

but that is where echo
was cheated in full
his ending came early
teaching that life has no rule

he was not the first
nor will he be the last
in a world with blood thirst
and a universe vast

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Sunday, September 20, 2009


well guy's i just finished a up working on an introduction for the "about me" section on my myspace page, and i thought i'd post it up and give u a glimpse of what it's like to be.....well, me

What’s up people, most know who I am and know what I do, for those who don’t, my name is House, music is my life, and life would be nothing without the songs which full my head, a quote which I used to often speak was that one lived by one of only two things, lyrics or lies, one being who you truly are, the other being who you would like to be, I’m one of the few people who realize life is to short to live without truth, which is the very reason that I am not afraid to speak my mind, no one truly knows what the future holds and something held in today may never get a chance to see the world tomorrow

One of the two fascinations I hold is film, I am a writer with hopes of one day making it big and one of the few willing to work for it, the other is astronomy, u will never know my envy for those who will be born at a time when all can explore the universe in which we live, but how I pity those who will not have been able to see it begin

I hold respects for all religions and believe everyone has a right to their own beliefs, I was raised as a catholic, although now I personally do not believe in a god, why, is a question I am often asked, the reason is simple, I consider myself lucky to have been born at a time when we as a species have the technology and the reasoning to doubt, having many theories of how the universe began and how man truly came to be, how could I hold faith in a time where I could so easily question that which I believe

I am one of the minority which does not believe in the idea of there being a supreme being watching over us, that’s why I live every day as if it were my last, although if there is a place where I am destined to travel after my death, the idea of immortality scares the living hell out of me

Hi, my name’s House, and 20 years from now, everyone in Hollywood will know my name

- Carlos "House" Gerardo

Saturday, September 12, 2009



stuck in this prison
my mind goes black
i examine all that has risen
as my heart walks the plank

because again here i sit
the same girl in my mind
her feelings cross-knit
as i continue this rhyme

her body still sobs
she wants to just stop
but the mountain does it's job
and she is kicked from the top

when she hits the floor
emotions litter the ground
out of her head they bore
much faster than sound

she tries to keep them in
but the barrier's broke
feeling all of her sins
she is about to choke

one hand on her throat
the other in the air
she now gasps for breath
realizing life isn't fair

but she regains her step
getting back to her feet
keeping up with sobriety
but shifting her beat

the wise girl has broken through
the question is will she remain
i was there, watched as she grew
but a body's hard to maintain

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Thursday, August 27, 2009


this was written for one of my closest friends, her name is kitty, and she's been going through a bit of a rough time

Harmony And Heartbreak

her beauty unmatched
the girl in my mind
it's a love that's just hatched
inspiration for rhyme

a beauty others would kill for
just to be by her side
merely watching her smile
as two hearts collide

a miracle at play
together we take the earth
with each other everyday
to long last hope giving birth

her eyes are all that are needed
to outshine the sun
casting their brightness upon us
with a smile and cun

butterflies fill my chest
every time i'm with her
as i forget the world and the rest
giving up my heart to stir

she has been hurt
so many times in the past
her body bruised and burnt
but the scars will not last

underneath her tears
is the strongest of wills
unlike any i've seen in my years
she has heart to heal

now i sit afraid here
of her returning to him
as yet again she sheds tears
for a guy who watches and grins

he has no respect
her he did not deserve
losing love, the concept
it's only ignorance he's reserved

i jut want her to know
that i love her to death
that's why when i see her cry
i start losing my breath

to see her in pain
has broken my heart
leaving me in vain
to pick up the parts

but now the choice becomes hers
which road will she take
the one leading towards harmony
or the one to heartbreak

-Carlos "House" Gerardo


just a little over forty years ago, man first landed on the moon, giving inspiration for this rhyme


i continue to thrive
as i do what i love
keeping the flow alive
writing of the heavens above

gazing into the sky
a piece of rock in my gaze
an orb floats before my eyes
as i stand locked in a daze

it won't last us always
the beauty we can't recreate
but it will last in our memories
until we meet our fate

far off in the future
it will be our species home
as we move to other planets our culture
and explore the unknown

we are exploration in infancy
we have but barely begun
curiousness is one of our tendencies
out of many just one

just to land us upon it
was a leap on it's own
millions of miles away
so far from our home

the mission was dangerous
yet well worth the risks
leaving money alone and envious
as they watched the clock tick

then the day finally came
they watched on their tv sets
armstrong was his known name
the man who took the first step

it was the first of it's kind
never taken before
one small step for man
that will remain evermore

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


this one was partially inspired by the death of a family member


unaffected by death
i only think of my own
the moment of last breath
on surface little is shown

so much held deep inside
it's so hard to make sense
puching my feelings inside
trying not to get tense

immortal are the thoughts
which come from my head
the feelings death's brought
often so hard to shed

from here to eternity
they'll be with us all
causing little serenity
as hearts continue to fall

immortality is frightening
for those who understand life
realizing little is brightening
when near the end of the knife

the feeling of forever
has always hit hard
softening the blow never
playing always the right card

immortal is a mystery
which will never be solved
forever part of our history
left for us to dissolve

existing always in memories
a long time face on this earth
a body engraved in history
until a stop comes to the clock

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Friday, July 31, 2009


this poem song was written to tie into one of my stories that i have been working on for quite some time

Live Together Die Alone

we are living together, but we will die alone, by ourselves in a casket, burial place unknown

we lived through the carnage, this world had to give, most of us slipped, but few of us lived

straight through the bodies, the broken glass, we now look at this, as part of our past

forced to roam through this world, on two left feet, not knowing what's next, barely able to speak

we are living together, but we will die alone,by ourselves in a casket, burial place unknown

all of us look towards the future, but know not where to go, we have destination, but after where will we flow

i often look towards the heavens, but receive no reply, why has god if there's any, not let this world by

yes we were destructive, i will admit to that, but given more time, we would have demolished the fact

but now we're living together, and we will die alone, merely a spec in the cosmos, dead before we were known

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


alright people, once again i got into the game, and this time i'm up against an old foe, his name is Elder AKA jazz


Carlos "House" Gerardo Vs. jazz



well u know that im kool,relaxed, n unthreatful
ur still kallin me jazz now i kno u aint forgetful
but still ur kinda chunky so let me kall u fat
and i kan make ur ass skinny like a acrobat
put u in a freak show..... the worlds largest man
if u think u my homey NOPE u aint ma friend
im playin with u homey u know how i am
ima ride or die homey one deep to tha end

yep ima beast



now once again here we are
but it's a whole new game
as i'm raising the bar
and taking pride from ur name

well what do u know
u can only talk about fat
ur still on the same row
but i expected that

if ur guna battle me
u must give me the best of ur game
or i'll let my voice free
and put u to shame

hell "it won't be that hard"
like i should have done in the past
just watch me play the right cards
and you'll be gone like the last



im feelin kinda strange kause im talkin to a faggit
ur a fukkin turtle me? ima rabbit
ur still with the same old ass criticisms
wishin u were fine? homeboy y u wishin
take action homie..... work da fukk out
let me give u sumthing u kan rap about
i fukk hoes every day but i stay protected
u fukk urself everyday so heres da lesson
no questions!.... or fukkin autographs
nevr sold ma body but i sell ma photographs
never seen u as a threat ur like a fat puppy
i didnt say koala so consider urself lukky
me u kan say im da king of da jungle
ima damm leo juz like ma fukkin unkle
i bet ur a virgo kause u havent even lost it
i nut everyday n u know da girls kause it

hahahaha ima mudafukkin beast



just look at u
taking up all my time
but judging by ur brew
ur just a dog spitting lines

so many excuses
they no longer makes sense
now i read ur rhymes
and don't even get tense

there are so many flaws
i see in ur rhymes
but to expose them all
would take to much time

don't you think it's funny
how u called urself a beast
but now ur down to a bunny
to other countries a feast

to me that looks like a downgrade
from what little u used to be
as i watch your rhymes fade
the odds grow better for me



the odds dont grow they only fade away
im krakkin up laghing for the da things u say
the reason dere flaws is kause of the beat
i used da one on my profile so take ur defeat
take ur last place trophy n turn oround
ur fat, white, ugly im joung, sexy n brown
now dont get sad turn dat frown upside down
kause im takin da mudafukkin 1st place crown
i didnt wanna hurt but i guess ill do it
i made ur ass fall in 8th grade u knew it
yo moma doesnt love u thas y she ran ur foot over
stop wasting MY time this kompetition is over
ur not worth ma time i got better things to do
like fukkin a hoe, robbing kars is wath i do
smokin a blunt gettin higher than a plane
ur ass is over i made ur ass a shame hahaha



let me ask u one thing
why still reflect on the past
avoiding the future that's coming
because u know your reign will not last

more than a year after
you're still speaking of the fall
when i've moved on to greater pastures
defeated opponents, every and all

you think ur so slick
once again u bring up the fat
but ur rhymes make me sick
as i watch u fall flat

if odds do not grow
then u haven't got a shot
because those like me in the know
will only watch your rhymes rot

as i sit here
alone in my seat
i laugh and shed a tear
as i hear u talk about beat

u may have the beat
yet u have none of the lines
all u do is talk about my coming defeat
while u spit worthless rhymes

at least mine can hold their own
hell they may not be the best
but when it comes to the "pwn"
they stand out from the rest

so why don't you take
this one last shot
give up the battle now
and leave with what little u got


na i don think think so, my rhymes are klear
dont akt tough homie i feel ur fear
i know i bring the past quite often i know that
but it was funny watchin u fallin and roll back
out the desk, yes im da best
dont disrespect, or ill break ur neck
ha ur sill with the same old shit
i won this battle homie go on get off ma dick
but to prove a point i guess that ill say it
ima freestyle king bitch dere i said it
ur just a busta trying to get on ma tail
BREAKING NEWS... this fat nigga failed
his name-carlos... fat, white, boy
trying to beat da king is a fukkin myth boy
if i was u i wouldnt waste ma time
u aint nuthin homey, dont even got one rhyme
i got plenty.... i just dont like brag
hold up homey ill put u in a body bag
so lets stop this little worthless kompetition
i won aredy homey.... u failed ur mission



very very nice
i will give u that
but my rhymes are precise
causing urs to fall flat

a mission is never failed
unless the other side has won
the darker outcome has prevailed
as one lies, staring into the sun

once again i find the humor
as u say u feel my fear
for i am like a tumor
as i grow, death gets evermore near

that's where your travels will take u
as u try to comeback at my rhymes
making them translucent, see through
as i continue the battle, wasting my shine

u say the battle's over
yet it hasn't even begun
you see i hold the four leaf clover
your chances against me are none

what is it i wonder
that makes u think u can win
could it be ur brains blunder
if so, forever will u lose that grin

i find it hilarious how u say
that i'm wasting ur time
yet by the end of my day
that's all u do with ur rhymes

every day it's the same
a threat, joke, or a spit
all the while destroying ur name
as i jolt back, lightning powered by wit

contradicting ur lines
with power inspired by Greeks
while removing the blinds
and watching my blots peak

now once more i ask
will u finally resign
or will u continue pretending to bask
just wasting more of my time


and so came the battle's end

Winner: Carlos "House" Gerardo

Reason: Official Forfeit

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


the world has been destroyed and one survivor tells the tale of the soon to be extinct race, it's name, is dead space

Dead Space

the year is 2265
i look up towards a blackened sky
what i see, it held lives
an aqua orb before my eyes

part of our past
but not of mine
i am among the last
of god's design

since the 2100's
the world's been dead
the bombs came by the dozens
right over our heads

we now live on the moon
the descendants of death
with our own coming soon
we cherish each breath

there was a point in our existence
where we looked up at the sky
but now we need assistance
for our food has run dry

everyday of our lives
we look back at a world we destroyed
stabbed by our own knives
by the bombs we deployed

our structures in ruins
it's trees turned to ash
any hope of return
gone with the first flash

despite unique features
our domination is done
millions of creatures
dead due to one

it was our very humanity
which lead to our fall
our world set by insanity
wars fought by us all

most were not ignorant
yet they still flipped the switch
passing by the warnings
as they watched the world twitch

now our last glimpse at life
will be the blackened sky
another stab in the back
as we watch the world die

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Friday, June 12, 2009


this is one that i started last year, but never really took the time to finish, and although i'm still not very satisfied with the end result, i decided to post it up, it's called flow


i'm almost drowned in a river of sound, i'm the only one around and the music's so loud

blasting in my ear, it's the only thing i hear, man it's been one hell of a year

we've all felt blue abused, and straight up used, all of this sticks in our heads like glue

it's only the flow which keeps us alive, as it beats unstoppable from the inside

always attempting to pick up the pace, throwing our actions right back in our face

but it all works out in the very end, always leaving with glory, and a brand new trend

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Friday, June 5, 2009


this poem is written for a very special friend of mine whom i will only call "Kit," she's having some troubles, which is what inspired me to write this, so enjoy


In the distance
I hear a heart beat loud
Leaving by itself assistance
And ignoring the crowed

Her heart bleeds out
Tears stream down her face
She wants to just shout
Yet she maintains her pace

What has made her this way
It’s the boy in her thoughts
On her mind every day
It’s only dilemmas he’s brought

He cheated on her before
In the worst possible way
Leaving her little more
Than nothing else to say

Her friends try to warn her
Yet she returns back to him
Leaning on his shoulder
Just watching him grin

She says she loves him to much
Leaving’s to hard to bear
All along turning her heart to mush
Leaving her in despair

He says he’s in love
But contradicts his speech
Looking towards the heavens above
But portraying a leech

What will she do
Will she escape from his grip
Well my friend that’s up to you
Will she get away, or just keep kissing his lip

-Carlos “House” Gerardo

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


once again breaking from my style, this one is called wise girl

Wise Girl

Wise Girl kisses
But never loves
Sits down and listens
But never to much

Pushing forward in delight
No boy will get in her way
As she sits up and fights
Pushing temptation away

She ponders of perfection
Caring not how it looks on her shelf
Never seeking others protection
For she cares for herself

While for others
Hours seems to just fly
She sits back and wonders
The reason time passes her by

It is questions like above
That keep her going still
Doing what she loves
For her, life is a thrill

Ignoring society
She sits alone in her seat
Keeping up her worldly sobriety
Moving to her own beat

As my rhyme comes to a close
A smile grows on her face
Because only Wise Girl knows
How to control her own space

-Carlos “House” Gerardo

Friday, May 15, 2009


this is about a girl whom i was sitting across form on the bus while on my way to a field trip to moody gardens


as she lays, akon on her mind, you can tell this girl is one of a kind

ignoring the world as she sits alone in her seat, just leaning back, she admires the beat

the occasional glance, she knows not what i write, she seems dazed, day dreams in her sight

as i observe her rest, my rhyme comes to a close, will it continue, that's something only she knows

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


getting back into the buzz of things, i decided it was about time that i got into a battle, and i didn't have to wait long for my next victim, Theodore


Carlos "House" Gerardo Vs. Theodore



im fast on the track nigga get with the program yo moma know i kill what slow jam



look at you, just one line in, how easy you've made it to destroy your grin, see to me this isn't a game, say the wrong thing an i will put you to shame

all you can do is speak and talk shit, all the while your rhymes are out in the cold, and becoming frostbit

if you're guna go up against me, at least give the best that you've got, otherwise, you're not even worthy of the time in my slot


Winner: Carlos "House" Gerardo

Reason: Theodore Backed Down

Saturday, May 2, 2009


what's up guys, well i decided to break away form my usual style and try something new, check it out

Moment Of Passion

Ignoring the crowed, you look her straight in the eyes
Her arms around your neck, you hands on her sides

This is the moment of magic
You ignore the crowed
You hands fasten on the fabric
Testing what she’ll allow

You lips get closer, the tension grows
What’ll happen next, everyone knows

The moment your lips meet
The world stands still
Your heart skips a beat
As you stand, enjoying the thrill

As your lips finally part
Jokers comments are let aloud
“Is this only the start”
The two of you just laugh, looking back at the crowed

You look back and wonder
What the hell do they know
“should we go for another...”
“let‘s give them a show”

-Carlos “House” Gerardo


Descendant's Kismet

every single day, i rise form my bed, releasing all the thoughts which had flown through my head

this is my everyday life, my everyday times, rising up from my bed, and giving birth to these rhymes

i am the master of words, spoken, written, and rhymed, going on the teachings of wisdom, of those who've expired their time

i am the next generation to stand out as the best, respecting those who came before me, but blowing to hell all of the rest

as i go on with my ramblings, i know not what to say next, I'll just have to wait and see on what subject, fate chooses to provide me with text

-Carlos "House" Gerardo