Friday, December 5, 2008


so check this out, it's been a while since i picked up my pen, but now i'm back, and this one's called ghost


every day i walk about, wanting to scream and shout, but everyday i hold it in, releasing only my grin

cuse my feelings were locked away deep inside, the key thrown to the side, but they were about to be released, either as beauty, or either as beast

i was a ghost
standing in the halls
invisible to all

i was a ghost
standing in the halls
invisible to all

but one day all of that changed, that's when i met "Shorty" Saenz, a girl with looks and personality which blew my mind

she's the reason i broke out of my shell and sent my feelings to hell
(yea i know, corny line)

i was a ghost
standing in the halls
invisible to all

i was a ghost
standing in the halls
invisible to all

so now a few days had passed, but still things felt rough, but the time i spent with her never felt like enough

but every time i saw her smile, or we got caught in a gaze, my mind was forced into an eternal daze

i was a ghost
standing in the halls
invisible to all

i was a ghost
standing in the halls
invisible to all

now go fast forward for three more days, and we've each gone in our separate ways, one heart broken, the other lost in a maze

back to a ghost, but now regaining flesh, making life the most, and starting off refreshed

i am a ghost
walking down the halls
now visible to all

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Thursday, September 11, 2008


One Question IQ Test

Here's a one-question IQ Test to help you decide how you should spend the
rest of your day......

There is a mute who wants to buy a toothbrush.

By imitating the action of brushing one's teeth, he successfully
expresses himself to the shopkeeper and the purchase is done.

Now, if there is a blind man who wishes to buy a pair of sunglasses to
hide his eyes, how should he express himself?

Think about it first before scrolling down for the answer...

He opens his mouth and says. 'I would like to buy a pair of Sunglasses.'
If you got this wrong, please turn off your computer and call it a day.

I've got mine shutting down right now.

(You know you missed it too, so shut down your computer.)

p.s. this quiz was copied off of

Sunday, August 31, 2008


this is a totally bad ass commercial that i found for a straight edge america, check it out people

Thursday, August 28, 2008


well here is the first poem of the school year, today my teacher, mr.quarles, gave the class an assignment to write a rhyme on one of the safety rules for science class, and here it is


disposal, it doesn't mean everything just goes in the trash, you must get rid of it properly, so there will be no backlash

not down the sink or on the floor, all this, you should have learned before, now pick it up and wash it out, so we don't have to hear Mr.Q's annoying shout

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Thursday, July 31, 2008


this is a challenge i posted on my myspace bulletin to all who can rhyme, the question, who will answer


this is a challenge i send out to anyone who can rhyme, the question, r u willing to put ur skills up against mine

make no mistake, i may be young, but when it comes to a battle, i rise to the standard, and overcome

now will anyone try representing their name, or are u people to cowardly to step up to the game

-Carlos "House" Gerardo


and for the readers of my blog whom i don't know personally would like to take up this challenge, send your reply to

Monday, July 28, 2008


well something came up and the battle with merce didn't exactly continue, because of that i went ahead and challenged an old friend of mine, jacqie AKA Jacq The Ripper


Carlos "House" Gerardo Vs. Jacq The Ripper



huh? sry i dont speak yr lingo.
my cup of tea is Bingo.
and sorry i cant play yr lil game
cuz ima bad grl who's ben on punishment 4 2wks. how lame
im not suppose 2b here
ugh how queer
but pleaz reply bak
i'l make sure 2 keep in contact! XD



come on that can't be the best you've got, i know u have talent, but showing it ur not, now i'm not being mean, but that has to be one of the weakest comebacks i have ever seen

when challenged to a battle of rhyme, it has to have actual might, otherwise, there's not even a point to putting up a fight

now i thought i had challenged somebody who could represent their name, but apparently i was wrong, ur just another chick who can't step up to the game


well people three weeks had passed and i has gotten no responce from jackie, but today i received a message and the battle continues



lol im sry 2 delay ^^
i didnt kno id be away
iv ben stayn w/ my mom
at her place of my own free will
its ben quite a bomb
iv ben enjoyin da quiet simple life
da quiet moments dat make life itself seem stil



u had two weeks to reply to that rhyme, still yet, ur just wasting my time

come on, stop telling me about ur personal life and put up a fight, put some light into this and make it shine bright

now there's a reason i chose to challenge u instead of the rest, that because when it comes to a battle, u can put up the best

now give me something that will put my talent to the test, either do that, or give up the quest


Winner: Carlos "House" Gerardo

Reason: Jacqie backed down

Saturday, July 19, 2008


what's up people, yes the time has come and my fiercest competitor has returned for yet another battle, merce is ready and the show begins tonight


Carlos "House" Gerardo Vs. Merce (round three)



Well this is merce but he calls me giz
Maybe its cuz he knows im a wiz
At exactly what, well by now u should be able to tell
I use my words to cast my spell.

So carlos do you think you could win
Or maybe u know im about to destroy that grin

Always so smug and ready to dish out trash
But all that pride of yours will be gone in a flash
Because merce’s ready to defeat your arrogant hide
Get ready because it will be one hell of a ride



now it’s our third time at the battle of rhyme, you accepted the challenge, but u should have declined, because for u, this is the end of the line

you see, I’ve written to u, and you’ve written back, but still, it is a winner we lack, so I think it’s about time I picked up the slack

see, I do expect to win, but that horrible start has only widened my grin, although that rhyme was oh so slick, still the weakness of it is enough to make anyone sick

just remember, I hold nothing back, weather it be present or past, that’s why by the end of tonight, your reign will be over at last

u don’t deserve the title of wiz if ur coming up with something that bad, seriously, that was just sad, I just want to know what happened to the talent u had


Terminated, No Winner

Monday, July 14, 2008


what's up people, this is a rap battle against a poet named kevin, check it out


Carlos "House" Gerardo Vs. Kevin



i'm looking for a battle of rhyme, but the question is, will u accept, or am i just wasting my time



I'll take that challenge,
but lets raise the stakes.
That way when i win
you will know you made a mistake.

Don't worry ill only take what i can give.
How about 10 dollars,
I do not fib.

Because when we are done,
I will win
And it will be me
taking your ten!



Let me ask, how does one win with a comment that weak, come on man, your rhymes are nothing unique

I’ve seen it all before, a person who thinks he’s a player, but ends up on the floor, when I’m done with u, you won’t be able to take anymore

You see you’re going up against the jackass today, but what u don’t realize, is that I do not play, I rhyme for a living, and blow the competition away



Oh yea thats what you think,
I'll be done with you n just one blink.
When it comes to rhyming i cannot lose,
And I make sure i leave my opponent with the bruise.

Your nothing against me,
it may take a while but you will see.
You picked the wrong person to get your fun.
You'll be limping when I'm done.

Yea you heard me i did not stutter.
I'm pulling quick ones that will make you shudder



Well it’s about time, man I’ve been waiting 20 minutes for u to comeback at my rhyme

Now HA u expect to be done with me in just one blink, but I’ve gone up against better, and the battle lasted a week

You say I’m guan get beat, but confidence is what leads to defeat, cuse when ur up against me, that only turns up the heat

And don’t tell me I’m not even a challenge to u, because by the end of the night, I won’t be the one to lose

I did not pick the wrong person to get my fun, in fact, you’re the perfect one, remember, the battle has only just begun



Defeat comes without warning and detection.
Everything i say is sprayed with perfection.

Nothing can stop me from defeating
this battle is nothing,
everything is just repeating.

Try to think of something i haven't heard before.
When you do, don't knock at my door or ill knock you to the floor.

A black eye, broken arm, twisted leg, and you in a hospital bed.
Nothing else is to be said,
or would you rather be dead.

violence in nothing compared to words, words are nothing in the face of me.
Are your ears hurting from the pain of words.
Maybe we should stop a minute before you bleed.



Well finally u picked up the pace, but to win, u must do more than wave your fist in my face

See, you say your words are sprayed with perfection, your defeat coming without detection, yet I’ve found so many flaws in your game, and for that, perfection, is not to blame

You say this battle is nothing to u, but I know that’s not very true, because already you’ve threatened me like we were in a fight, and to be honest, only cowards turn to that form of might

You’re asking me if I would rather be dead, HA look who’s talking, the boy who has poetic depression written inside of his head (referring to his poetry)

And don’t think I’m scared of what u said before, I fear not of knocking on your door, but I warn, if u even come close to mine, it’ll mean war



wow dude that couldn't have been said better,
but if I wasn't in such a state of confusion I might have something to reply to this letter.

Besides whats are you going to do about it. I write about what I feel, im poetically correct and when it comes down to depression or death, its no sweat.
I will win this bet over the net.

I dont need my might to win this fight.
My words are stronger than my arms,
so don't say I'm weak or you will be in harm!



I never thought I would say it, but u went from bad to worse, do u actually expect to win, with something as bad as that verse, come on man, stop going in reverse

and Don’t tell me to not call u weak, at least not while ur rhymes are so bleak, see, might is exactly what it will take to win this contest, you say your words are stronger than your arms, but that is something I have to protest

ur a good poet, but at the moment, ur coming up with nothing but shit, ur rhymes are out in the cold, and becoming frostbit,

Now here’s your last change to get back in the game, give me a stronger comeback, or just bask in ur shame


Winner: Carlos "House" Gerardo

Reason: Kevin Backed Down


this was a song that i wrote for my friend who went through some problems not to long ago, so just check it out

one in a million
so few come by
lighting up all there is, in the sky

i remember when we met, it seems like yesterday, i was standing outside of school, when you walked my way, you stopped in front of me, yet i had nothing to say, but when i looked you in your eyes, i knew i'd made a friend that day

not it's been three years since we met, still my heart is filled with glee, because you've been nothing less, than a sister to me, but there's still one thing, that's stuck in my head, it's there when i wake up, and when i go to bed

one in a million
so few come by
lighting up all there is, in the sky

one in a million
so few come by
lighting up all there is, in the sky

it was, two months ago, when you gave me a call, that just made me think "god dammit miss Hall", when we hung up the phone, a tear rolled down my eye, as i wondered, why samantha why

you told me, that you had run away, i didn't even know, what to say, you see after that, days came to pass, which got me worried, because you had the cops on your ass, but recently, i got an e-mail from you, which let me know, most of my worries were through

one in a million
so few come by
lighting up all there is, in the sky

one in a million
so few come by
lighting up all there is, in the sky

you're now back at home, so safe and so sound, but your feeling of dread, still lingers around, girl i hope you can, get back up off of the ground, Sam we both know, i love you to death, because of all of my friends, you truly are the best, i know i can come to you, for anything i need, and you'll help me out, with honesty or speed, and i hope you know, i would do the same for you indeed

now it's july, and i still wonder why, you couldn't just sit back, and watch the time fly

one in a million
so few come by
lighting up all there is, in the sky

one in a million
you're the one that came along
Samantha you're the reason, i wrote this song

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

“Only a life lived for others is a life worth while.” Albert Einstein

Sunday, June 22, 2008


this was supposed to be the final chant for the aztec tribe, but unfortunately, the pep rally was canceled, for the rally, ms.walker have me permission to write an entire rap consisting of about three stanzas, to be honest it never got finished, but never the less, i do plan to finish it when i have time this summer, it goes to the beat of Fort Minor's song, Remember The Name, the first part of the lyrics remained the same in order for the crowed to chant, along with two lines in the second stanza


Aztecs Final

this is 10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will, 5% pleasure, 50% pain, and 100% reason to remember the name

it's like this, the other tribes don't put up much of a fight, they just cower under the aztecs power and might, we feel so unlike anybody else alone, because our powers have waited until now to be shown, but fuck it, because they're about to be known, you see it's not about the battery, it's all about reality and making some noise, making a story, making sure we win the cup, that means when we put it down we're doing more than enough

who the hell are we anyway, we never really show much, always stern with our status, but never leaving the crowed with much, forming our own community, but there are both lies and facts, because many misjudge us cuse we make a living by kicking ass, putting it together ourselfs, how the picture connects, never asking for someone's help, to gain some respect, not even focused on rules we broke, because we're beyond others reach, and now it all unfolds and we have the skills of an art-ist....................(to be continued)

-Carlos "House" Gerardo


if you would like to read the original lyrics, go to

if you would like to listen to the song, go to


now this is a the remix of the original aztec chant, i had to change a few things around because it had to have something in it about education, anyway check it out

Aztecs Remix

we are the aztecs we fight so strong, nothing we do could ever be wrong

reading, science, history, and math, all of these we shall pass, remember we work as hard as we can to achieve our goal and beat the TAKS

because we succeed at all that we do, why, because, AZTECS RULE!!!

-Carlos "House" Gerardo


this is a rather small battle which only lasted two stanzas, but i decided to post it anyway, it's against this guy george, and just because you need to know for one of the lines, his screen name is saggy balls


Carlos "House" Gerardo Vs. George Ortiz



You're an ugly man you're as dumb as sand your mom's fucking fat your mom blew a rat you are a mistake you have sex with cake you think you're so tuff you're a living bluff i will put you down i will make you frown i will make you bleed i am filled with speed i cannot feel pain i might be insane i am victory i write history feel my fist on your face you hate this i feel great!



wow u learned how to rhyme, but don't try to put your skills up against mine, because you'd just be wasting your time

you can't beat me at my own game, at least not with "saggy balls" as your name, that will only lead to your shame

because you're telling me i'm living a bluff, but looks at you, 4 foot 3 and thinking he's tough

now as i said, you may be able to rhyme, but dude, i can't even decipher your lines, because your words are all over the place, now you better move at a more sensible pace


Winner: Carlos "House" Gerardo

Reason: George Backed Down

Tuesday, June 3, 2008



i was trapped in a room, my mind went boom, you know what i had to do

so i grabbed my pen and wondered, where is my ink about to be sent

so i thought it out, wrote it down, because that's what i'm all about

worked with what i got, the rhyme got hot, still forcing me into writers block

stuck for a sec, will it go to heck, na, this is the jackasses reck

now the rhyme has grew, we're half way through, what else can i say to you

teach you how to write, i don't have time, in fact, i'm struggling to write this line

but wait, here we go again, another thought just entered my head, because i'm trapped in a room, my mind's gone boom, you know what i have to do

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Thursday, May 29, 2008


this is a poem that i OBVIOUSLY wrote for one of my best friends michelle's birthday, her nickname's the rock

Happy Birthday Rock

hey, happy birthday rock, congrats on another year on the clock, i wrote you this poem because i'm to cheap to buy a gift and a box

you were one of my best friends this year, always with a look of cheer, even when i shed a tear

the semesters and has finally come, and to be honest, i'll miss you more than some, because recently you helped me get through something rough, you're one of the few who didn't just say "oh well, that's tough"

i want you to know that while the school year may now be in our past, the impact you've had on my life was vast

what sucks is that i may never see you after today, this leaves me with so many things to say, but so much of it gets lost on the way, with so few words left, this is where i fray

anyway, i hope this poem will hold a special place in your heart and doesn't just get tossed in the dark

see three days ago, i started writing with glee, the reason, to make sure you never forget me and to let you know that you will always be family

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Sunday, May 25, 2008


check this out people, i challenged my cuz merce to a rematch


Carlos "House" Gerardo Vs. Merce (round two)



so how about a new battle?

sure, ill accept your invitation
yet, what to dish out 1st...
what to bring to the occasion?

should i bag on your age?
surely i am not that bland
should i mock your waist?
eehh, i am not that sad

lets go with something more novel
one u havent heard before
any chump can point at your belly and say "look at the pot hole"
but to you i say once more

cuz hate to tell you
but your personality's wack
so sad, but its true~
sorry dude, but its fact

you think your funny
you think your cool
but reality aint sunny
you...your just a tool.



U tell me I’m personally wack, but cuz we both know that we are equally matched, and that is the only fact

u say all this is sad but true, but this is where I turn ur words against u,

Because you’ve given me props, so now why r u giving me drops, changing your mind, Merce, have u lost your shine

I certainly hope not, cuse I sure as hell don’t want to see ur rhymes start to rot

u tell me I’m not funny, but still I make the crowed cheer, unlike you who sounds like you’ve had one to many beers, remember this is the jackasses year

Now what can I say for last, something to cast u into my past, except for the fact that you called me a tool, yet today, look at who’s being made out to be the fool


Sorry cuz but I don’t drink
Which means your rhymes really are starting to stink.
While I have commended your talent in the past
Sadly that’s not the only part of you that’s going fast
You keep talking, spoutin out words
Yet haven’t your realized…that shit’s for the birds

Might I be the fool?
Then you are just the joke
Just a sad little mule
Who sooner or later is gunna croak

Your bashing aint whitty
Its just plain sad
It s such a pitty
Because because those rhymes are bad~

Your not even thinking of new things to say
Sorry hun, but this just isn’t your day



u say my talent is going fast, yet, I know that’s the part of me that will forevermore last

u call me a sad little muel, but we all know u get that the jackasses meaning is duel

ur telling me that my rhymes were bad, but verg, ur comeback today was nothing more than sad

we are both a master of the game, only having these battles to see who is better at rising to fame and representing their name

this honor will always be given to me, shooting your every rhyme down with a feeling of glee, until the day I throw u into the abyss, and u can come up with nothing more than a miss



My comeback was sad?
Awww…maybe you are just mad
The king is being beat
At his own game too…oh how sweet
I shall continue to match each line
I shall prove to you soon, how this battle is mine
Sorry, but the honor is with me
For you will soon see
That merce’s the new master
And you had better think faster
For you are being pushed to your end
Because my skill will transcend
Any half-assed dribbled you could come up with
Sorry but no matter how you writhe
I will not stop
Not until the jackass’s ego goes …pop ^-^



No u see I’m never mad, only glad, finally someone who has a chance of beating me bad

But the king will never taste defeat, because he moves to his own beat, making his words all the more sweet

I never doubt that my opponent will match every line, that’s why I take so much time to make my words shine

Now merce u say that ur the new master and that I better think faster, but I move at my own pace, making it so much easier to throw ur words back in your face

I’m nowhere near the end, in fact my most powerful rhymes have yet to descend


merce (final)

So you dare to keep going?
Or is it merely your ignorance showing?
I do admire your valor
But for you, thinks are about to go sour
I don’t doubt that we are evenly matched
But your role is about to get scratched

We both can rhyme
We both have skill
But its about time
I deliver the kill

You claim to be a king
At turning people’s words against them
Yet there is no such thing
Your not even as good as Eminem

A sad rapper
Nothing but words and no meaning
Just throw it in the crapper
But then again you’re still just weaning

Perhaps one day youll learn to deliver rhymes with actual power
Until then cuz, your still not yet to flower
Blame it on youth, blame it on time
But again I say, this time victory’s mine.



damn right i dare to keep going, except for the fact that it's not ignorance, but determination showing

i find it funny, u called me the king which would fall, but how would u know, because the shit has just begun to hit the wall

u can't beat me at my own game, because i am the beast who has yet to be tamed, go up against me and i will put u to shame

u and i are a master of the art, but still out of u, i hear nothing but barks

u said "victory is mine" like u actually won, when in reality, ur time is over and done, leaving me still standing as number one

now why don't u just scamper away before this jackass leaves u with nothing to say, not much more than the predators prey, because that is the price u have to pay when u go up against the J


Winner: Draw

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


this is a rap battle going on as i type, it is against my friend louis, let's just see how it comes out


Carlos "House" Gerardo Vs. Louis



F**k you right all right
Going at your neck like a f**kin dog bites
I woke up this morning eyes half closed
Looked into the mirror and said damn im cold
Damn im cold and my hoe
Pimp shit nigga keep paying my hoe
Damn Im cold man im throwed
I said damn im cold, hot damn im cold Is it the ice in the piece or the ice in the chains?
Is it the ice in the watch or the ice in the rims?
Or the bracelet, face you feel the chill in yo vains or could it be the two-seater on them thangs
got on a couple gold chains so dang it dang
I swang a thang, from lane to lane
Yeah, its getting hot and you starting to feel the flame



You think you’re so cold, but if u r, ur still not winning the gold, why, because u don’t even know what u have just told

If ur guna try and take me out, don’t just bitch and pout, because at the moment, that’s what I think ur all about

Man I thought u were better than this, but all u can do is talk some shit, it takes time to come up with a good rhyme, but ur so bad, you should just give it up, resign

And I sure as hell don’t sense any heat in the air, so my question is, how can I feel a flame that was never there



Y'all know who I is
Louis coming thru in the bubble eye Benz
See me front in back with the wood all around
Plus I got that *boom boom* surround sound
Don't hate on me boy if you do *pow* get down
Come from under my shirt try to lift you off the ground
But on the other hand, I'ma keep running man
I got about a hundred coming up with three Hummers man
We stuntas man
I might stumble across a grand and give it to you wifey
And watch how she *slurp* on my pipey like a Icee
I might be in a Range that night
I might be in a Lex watching the game tonight
I got a hundred on Kobe, hope he playing it right
But if I lose, its cool, that's some change lil shite
That ain't nothing
I ain't doing nothing if I, I ain't stunting
Hold up, boy be quiet, Louis is coming



Nice, finally I get a little hype, but the thing is, ur still talking like ur on the pipe

U expect me not to hate on u, but like it or not, I hate on everyone dude,

“what do u think it is that keeps me on the ground, I’ll tell u, it’s the big J, revolving around, so watch out, because I am about to steal ur crown

U can keep running all u like, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop putting up a fight, that will only happen after I have entered the light

Now I will be honest, ur doing good in this game, but I have to say I am far from being put to shame, so in the battle I will remain, because u have a problem from which u can’t restrain

U put any thing that comes to ur mind, not even taking the time to decipher the rhyme, man at least people can understand what I write



You might catch me with bandanas and strapped T
On the back street of your block in the back seat
I'ma cap three at the first coward I up and see
I'ma bust the piece and knock his body a couple of feet
When I rush your front door, you get a few to your stomach
Hope they dress you up nice because your funeral Sunday
Nigga shouldn't've played tough - wouldn't've got his head bust
Now your whole livin' room is full of pink and red stuff
Now you're gatted up, full of that vodka and weed added up
Fresh platted up, your T-shirt all tatted up
Crack in the tongue of my kicks
Plus I got a gun on my hip, and I'm runnin' the strip
I know you see me:
A hundred rounds from the chopper leave 'em real sleepy
You know how we be smellin' weedy up in our clothes
Cutthroatin', connivin' killers, but that's all I know


Winner: None

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


ok people this is a rap battle i got into with my cousin merce about a month or two ago, it started as an argument then turned into a battle, check it out


Carlos "House" Gerardo Vs. Merce



well well well merce, how about round two, unless ur to much of a coward to argue, which knowing u, i don’t think that u r



i am not a coward
i accept your challenge
lets see where this goes cuz
im.ready.for.the battle.^_^



u may not be a coward, but u may be a bit stupid, judging by the fact that i never called u a coward, i said and i quote

"well well well merce, how about round two, unless ur to much of a coward to argue, which knowing u, i don’t think that u r"

i never called u a coward, in a way "asked" if u were a coward, u know i find it pretty sad that a senior in high school couldn’t catch that, especially as dumb.....i mean smart as u r



i wasnt saying u called me a coward
i was merely stating for the record that i am not
not lets quit the debate of the diction
and get to the real task

oh, foly, my cuzin carlos, darling
i may be a senior,
but pray it is still in my demeanor,
to let all you youngesters know,
why the upper classmen run the show.
older yes, wiser, only a few
but u should know, that i.can. take you.
in a battle of words, in a race of whit
just know, since its started..
your going to get whipped.



lol it will be a cold day in hell when the upperclassmen run the show, this is my group, and in here, it’s not the older, but the wiser who win these battles, and like u said

"older yes, wiser, only a few"

the question is r u one of the few, obviously not judging that i’ve basically found and shot down every flaw and ur argument, now yes this is a battle of whit, but i am not the one who will get wipped, that roll goes to the crazy goth chick XD


surely, this.dual.meaning.



u replied with a rhyme, so i’ll do the same, but remember u will be put to shame, what can i say, you’ve entered my game

don’t try to beat me at this, remember, compared to me, u can’t even talk shit, and in your own twisted words, this is where u get whipped

now u do have a mind, but while trying to write your crappy rhyme, u waste to much time, to much of yours and to much of mine (lol)

the game has not changed, as u will soon find out i will easily put u to shame, because our styles of speech are very much the same

now u can call me a clown all you like, but that doesn’t make u right, remember i am a jackass, and i always put up a good fight, because that’s who i am, now i say good night, because to me, the end is clearly in sight



say goodnight to whom?
i am an insomniac remember?
i do not dare say i shall soon,
be put down, i am still a contender.
i will not lose to you in a battle of rhyme,
i can compete with the very best,
i do think you will soon find...
i can put u to the test.
throw out insult and jar,
it matters not, fire away.
i shall not be marred,
i will i will in fact stay.
because i will rise to the session
and i will make u take your words back,
because words games are my obsession,
and you will soon will find u lack...
whut it takes to win a game
when merce is at bat.



say goodnight to whom, the answer to that was supposed to be you, because i am an insomniac to

you say u will not lose in a battle of rhyme, but i think it’s only a matter of time until this battle is mine, just know, u will never make ma take my words back, because i am the jackass

word games are something i have , mastered as well, so much so, i will send you to hell, because this is my game, to beat me u must rise to my fame, anything less, and u will be put to shame

now merce, you may be at bat, but your words are nothing but crap, u miss the ball, not even getting a wack


Winner: Merce

Thursday, May 1, 2008



now i'm stuck in a room, my mind went boom, and you know what i had to do

i grabbed my pen, and wondered, where is my ink gonna be sent

so i thought it out, wrote it down, because that's what i'm all about, now this rhyme has grew, we're half way through, what else can i say to you

teach you how to write, i don't have time, in fact, i'm struggling to write this very line

but wait, here we go again, another thought just came to my head, not this is the end, because i was stuck in a room, my mind went boom, i knew what i had to do, but that's what lead to my doom

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Love And Let Down

for some time, certain feelings for one girl have began to fade, while thoughts of another keep coming my way, and more i grow to like this girl everyday

the thought of her fills my heart with glee, she's one of the few friends i can talk to when i need relief

this girl's beauty has yet to be beat, when she walks into a room, she turns up the heat, and when she smiles and speaks, she seems evermore sweet, her personality makes her stand out from the rest, always wearing a smile, even when she's not at her best

there are so many things i have to say about this girl, right now, phrasing this is the hardest thing in my world, because like i said before, this girl's beauty has yet to be matched, that's why she deserves better than a guy who calls himself jack

now although the thought of her sets my imagination free, we can never be, because i know she does not share the same feelings for me

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Sunday, April 27, 2008


hey what's up jokers and jackasses , this is a poem that i wrote to give to my friend mandy at her 15th birthday party, so check it out

A Good Friend

we've all heard it a million times, the term good friends are hard to find, but that's the reason i took the time to write this rhyme, because you've been one of mine

mandy, you're one of the craziest girls that i've ever met, but that's not something i regret, because that makes you stand out from the rest

it's been three days since i've started writing, taking my time on every line, just to make it into something that you would desire, because you've been like a sister to me, always there to give me relief

after two years, we've been to hell and back, having our good times and our bad, but that's what makes leaving at the end of the year all the more sad, but what can we do, except for cherish the friendship we have

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


A Girl And Love

love, i write about it all the time, in fact it's the inspiration behind so many of my rhymes, but my question is, why

i figure it's the one girl that catches your eye, because to you, she's always on your mind, the brightest thing standing on the light, blocking out everything else in sight

with one glance, this girl has gained your heart and soul, but this is one thing we almost never let this girl know, keeping it bottle up inside, until you ask her out one day or night

thinking of her, you'll end up like me, writing her a poem while in your seat, hoping you accomplish your feat, getting together with this girl, but right now, a dream it will remain to be

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


check this out my people, i have once again been given the opportunity to write a poem for the school yearbook, so here it is, enjoy

we've spent so many days at this school, now, the thought of us leaving seems ever so cruel, because so many things will get left behind, but that's why i'm writing this rhyme

this year, we've laughed, hugged, hated, loved, gotten together, and broken up, then again, i think we've had enough, but still, letting go is tough

our every emotion has been let out, so much so that we want to shout, but that's not what we're all about, because while other things may have gone wrong, we've kept things cool all year long

while not all of us liked it here, we're all still running a river of tears, next year, some of us will leave, but others will stay, only to face another day

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Saturday, April 5, 2008



composition, when the words are being written, the moment where it all comes out and nothing is hidden

all of the writers thoughts are released, they can be turned into a beauty, or into a beast

the moment where so many thoughts flow through your mind, for me, they're always put into a rhyme, and my every word, turned into a verse

there's nothing you can't put into a rap, jealousy, sympathy, hatred, love, much more than all of the above

make it into everything your mind desires, begin with a spark, but end with a fire, because if you don't, others will tire, and never let the flame die down, or else others have a chance to take hold of your crown

last, every composition must be one of a kind, write every thought that enters your mind, nothing less, except, always have a message to be sent

-Carlos "House" Gerardo


What I Do

talking shit is something that i do better than most of the people i know, because when my words come out, you're gonna get a show, as far as other peoples insults go, i just blow into the wind, taking out their defense

i do nothing but talk crap, that's why my life seems so out of wack, but i'll always continue speaking smack

this may not be something that everyone likes, but that's how i ride, 24/7 and 365, since the day i was born, now until the day that i die

but i'm not gonna lie, this jackass has a sweeter side, hidden, except for those who read what i write, but screw it, that's not why i wrote this rhyme

one thing you have to know is that while i always joke, i never choke, so don't expect me to stop, because i won't, i'm not

i don't care if you're a girl or a guy, i will make you cry, because i can take your words, and throw them back in your eye's

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Sunday, March 30, 2008


fellow jokers and jackasses, check this out, it is a rap battle i got into over myspace with my friend michelle's cousin, adam, he started talking shit about how he could beat me in an argument and it escalated from there, and i soooooo proved him wrong, well here it is, enjoy


Carlos "House" Gerardo Vs. Adam



soooo...wat do you want to debate about?-adam

i keep trying to tell him he won't win i told him about that time you won the argument with mr.martin and he said he was just as bis a smartalic as you were and that it was time you got a taste of your own medicine



a taste of my own medicine, HA, dude don't play a game that u can't win, let's put it in the form of a rhyme, simply put

don't mess with this jackass, because my words are my matches, and i will burn you to ashes

listen to rocky's (michelle's) advise



uh oh this can't be good X0 (eyes closed) p.s. stop calling me rocky-michelle

well i'll douse your flame, because life is MY game, and i'll put your spark out, cuz thats what im about



u replied with a rhyme, but what u don't know is that that is where i shine, because i write them all the time

u can try to douse my flame, but in the end, this is my game, and others are all the same, with me putting them to shame

u can't win u never will

because the J is for the jackass that will burn u to ash, u go up against me and u won't even last, now i say one thing, beat that




i'll give u props 4 ur rhyme, but this is my time, you can spit words my way but they will crumble under my shine

i roll wit the best, screw the rest, try to put me to shame, but i'll rise to your fame

im the underdog of this game,i will outshine your fame, words spoken or written to me will only fuel my game

my goal is 2 be the best,4get the rest, show me your best, be my guest



i have to admit, that was nice, but u ain't winning the prize, it took u 20 minutes to make up that rhyme, u talking about time, but u took up to much of mine, the one i wrote only took five

my words are dissing u bad, ur was nothing but crap compared to this rap, urs was better for wiping my ass

be my guest, HA, u ain't nowhere near the best, unlike me, always wearing the J, above my heart and under my chest

to beat me, u must do better than that, this time don't send me no crap


Winner: Carlos "House" Gerardo

Reason: Adam Backed Down

Tuesday, March 25, 2008



an argument is something that has been mastered by few, because it's not something that is easy to learn, the skill to turn every word into a burn

i am a master at the art, unlike some who try and light a spark, because from them, i hear nothing but barks

now i take on any challenge, why, because i want to prove my talent, so i say bring it on, you can't win, because my words are always strong

remember i am the jackass evermore, and i will start a war, trust me, if u talk shit to me, you will get no warning or be set free, you must stay, or a coward i will declare you to be

-Carlos "House" Gerardo


ok people check this out, this is a chant that i wrote for my school tribe, The Aztecs, check it out


we are the aztect, we fight so strong, nothing we could do could ever be wrong, why do you think i'm writing this song

we're after the cup, anything less in our path, and we pass it up

we succeed at all that we do, why, because, AZTECS RULE!!!!!!!!!!

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Saturday, March 22, 2008


ok jokers and jackass’s, this is a poem i wrote for a girl named michelle, and i have posted it as a blog for her to see


michelle, one of the most gorgeous girls you will ever see, so beautiful, her looks have yet to set me free

right now, she’s one of only two girls that i like, it’s not me, but her beauty that makes this poem shine, every line and every rhyme

to this girl, there are so many things that i’ve wanted to say, but forever and always, i choke and fray

it’s funny, i call her rocky, i call her the champ, but i never mean that, when i say it i’m usually full of crap, hey why would i want to make a beauty sad

this girl may act lazy, but we all know she’s just a good kind of crazy, because she may be pretty and sweet, but we all have heard her shriek (smart ass smile)

i like her more than some of the girls in my world, because she has a beautiful voice, along with her perfect poise

well this is the end, because all has come out of my pen, now there’s only one thing left to do, michelle, that’s to present this poem to you

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Friday, March 21, 2008


this is something i wrote last year, i had lost it, but now i have found it again, i wrote this because i was bored during ATS, people from my school know what that means, anyway, this is a short song i wrote about a man named sam, enjoy

Sam Song

there one was a man by the name of sam, and i'll be damned he sure was glad

one day he rode his horse up to his dads, when he arrived, dad was mad,, they stole his horse and sam felt sad

but it was sam who stole the horse of dad, and that was bad

the horse raul was outside like a fool

sh sam sprayed some mace in dad's face and went outside to get raul who still looked like a fool, which wasn't cool

dad awoke and saw the horse, so he went outside to face the crook, but the crook had a hook, so dad was cooked

sam then put on a mas which dad couldn't see past and hooked his dad right in the ass

then he hopped and hollered all night long and sang that same old holy shit song

-Carlos "House" Gerardo


look peoples i don't hate valentines day, but i got bored in class and just wanted to add a little bit of a dark feeling to it, so here's what i wrote

Valentines Day

valentine, i was never a romantic guy, most likely i never will be, why should i lie

febuary 14th, that's the day, one where so many people fray, but me, i stay the same, always doing my own thing

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Saturday, March 1, 2008


now this is a poem that i forgot to put in a month or two ago, it's for a girl named evelin, check it out


i pissed her off by calling her cujo, but the truth is, she's numero uno, i've seen her glad, i've seen her mad, i've even seen her sad, i've seen almost every side of her

for any time i made her cry inside, i apologize, because i did not recognize, why do you think i'm writing this rhyme

she looks like a jewel, very beautiful, this is something that i can't say to her face, because inside i feel like a broken vase, my words trapped in a sound proof case, and my thoughts in a far away place, i've tried to ask her out, i've even tried to shout, but the words just wont come out

she's a girl that any guy would seek, and the guys who know her were lucky to meet, she's a girl i wish i could go out with, because she's NOT just an uptight bitch, this girl is smart, you'd be lucky to win her heart

i don't have much more to say, but that i hope this girl stays the way she is today and will never change

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Friday, February 29, 2008


ok people this is a poem that i wrote for an assignment in english class, it's kind of corny, by enjoy

The Unlucky Day

my name is jay, i am a moth, i have hair that covers my body like cloth, today you,ll read about the day i died, all because of a simple light

it was the end of the day, the time when humans go away and i came out and play, all was well until midnight, that's when i saw something bright, it was a light, and just inside my range of flight

i noticed that when i flew, the light always grew, i was so active and it was so attractive

then i was finally there, but when the light touched my hair, ZAP, i fell out of the air

now it is the end of my life, and i warn, don't go towards the light

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Jackass Evermore

i am the jackass evermore, nowhere near what i was before, if you come knocking on my door, don't try to start a war, because my words are my swords, and you will feel my scorn

like it or not, i'm never guna stop, every day, i'm guna continue to tlak

not many people know how to preach, but that's what i do every time i speak, a level only one of my friends can reach

jackass is an artform, i can strike you down like metal in a lightning storm

twisting your every word and verb, an action very few have learned, despite what you've heard, knolage is everything, you must have material to use, at least if you don't want to lose

now you better remember this rap, if you go up against me, you won't even last, so i finish with this, either think fast, or KISS MY ASS

-Carlos "House" Gerardo



aftermath, years worth of works, every thought converted into verbs, all this is writtin, but not yet heard

this is more than a story, because it takes up most of my time, besides poetry, aftermath is where i shine

it takes so much concentration, just to think of even one connection, each taboo, broken without hesitation, what keeps me going, three peoples motivation

like it or not, it's harder than it looks, turing thoughts into books, just to write this, 30 minutes it took

to write you must have patience, i didn't, so my first work turned out tastless, but the lession i learned, lead to greatness

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


ok people, this is a rhyme that i put together for a girl that i like, that girl knows who she is, anyway, check it out and enjoy

One Girl

there's one girl, only one in the world, i'm always sure to treat her right, at least most of the time, because she's the girl i like

taking time out of my day, all to put a smile on her face, i hope this girl will never change, because she is perfect the way she is today

i never call her fine or hot, because she's not, she's like an angle who fell from the sky, worth talking to for more than a while

to this girl i say, just give me a chance, take my hand, i'm not guna lie and say that i'll be a man, but i promise to never be bland

i wish i could ask this girl out, but sadly, i can't even open my mouth, because the fear of getting the go around, that's why i save my breath, and write it all down

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Friday, February 15, 2008


yo what's up jokers and jackasses, check out my IQ score

IQ Test Score


True Familia

familia to me isn't about the blood, it's about those whom you love, the people you deal with everyday, the ones that never stray

these are the people i trust with my life, they actually care about what i write, listening or reading every last rhyme, these people i can depend on, and everyone is strong

can my familia argue, HA, that's not even an issue, this is all true, start shit with us and you will loose, especially me, i am the strong point of the group

jokers and jackasses, we'll burn you to ash without even touching a flame or a match, remember we are the main attraction, causing every distraction

inlike birthright family, they're supposed to offer security, but all i see is controversy, and with that, there is no glee, only the desire to be set free

only a small group of people can be called familia with grantee, those are the people who are always there for me, this is real family


-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Over My Head

people tell me i'm in over my head, i agree, parts of my life do need to be shed, hell it's getting hard for me to even get out of bed

trying to get my grades up, HA, like life isn't hard enough, i got way to much stuff, but ig et over it, keep at the shit, keep doing my thing, everyday, hoping that things go my way, because like it or not, in my hand this pen will stay

writing rhymes is my life, i do it all the time, a talent of mine, composing what comes to mind, and leaving nothing out or behind, that is why my rhymes shine, because my material's never shy

there are so many things i have to do, you have no idea what i go through, trust me, you don't even got a clue

the crap in my head, so much more than most of the rest, like an infestation, i'm in over my head, because of one stipulation

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


ok jokers and jackasses, this is a rap i wrote for an interview i have coming up at a high school, so here it is


don't judge me by the way i walk, the way i talk, the way i move, the way i grove, just let me talk to you

i wrote this rhyme to let you know, my state of mind is one of a kind, furr high school means a lot to me, because it represents what i could be

now i have done bad in my past, but you must understand, that behavior didn't last, sorry i can't go back and change the past

today i'll show you how i write, how i make material shine, how i connect everything, how my story lines play, and by the and of the day, you'll understand my way of doing things, this is a promise that i have made

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Monday, January 21, 2008


ok people bled white is an indy movie that i am helping promote, please go check out the website at for more updates

here's the trailer

Sunday, January 20, 2008


J and the X

I'll always be wearing two letters as my personal crest, the J and the X, above my heart and under my chest, the J to show that i am the best and the X to tell that i am straight edge, these two letters that i represent

J, the jackass that'll burn you to ash, you go up against me and you won't even last, nothing you could say can put me down, make me frown, because inside i'll always be wearing a crown, yea i may be a clown, but you can't run me into the ground

the X represents straight edge, i chose to go a different road, one that leads to the gold, something everyone knows, but not as many show

i'm not into drug use, all it does is give your body abuse and cause half the shit you see on the news, this is something i'm not willing to do

like i said, i'll always be wearing two letters as my personal crest, the J and the X, above my heart and under my chest, but unlike most of the rest, the ones that act like pest, these two things have gained me respect

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Monday, January 14, 2008


Straight Edge

Straight Edge, none of that crap's ever going to fill my head, because i don't want to end up on my death bed, struggling for every last breath

i'm talking about drugs, they're taken out of depression and not out of love, and eventually they'll lead you to die, while the people around you cry, all this shit for a short lived high that fucks up your mind

being straight edge is something i'll never regret, it's the only thing i represent, because drugs cause an addiction that can't be controlled, and that's not how i roll

no alcohol either, i don't want to be a drunk, what i have is enough, i don't need that just, what do i look like, a punk

i'm Straight Edge till the end, inside, i'll alwayse be wearing the X, over my heart, and under my chest

-Carlos "House" Gerardo



A Girls Heart

When it comes to winning a girls heart, most guys figure out that it's not easy from the start, in some peoples mind this leaves a mark, a black spot left in the guys heart

just be yourself, if you do that, maybe you wont need any help, put a smile on her face, one that no-one could replace, write her a song, make it long

tell her she looks stunning, even if she looks crappy from just getting up in the morning, never let her feel hated, she needs to be appreciated

laugh at all her jokes, especially when others don't, never be a jerk, and every now and then, just flirt, who knows, maybe one day, it'll work

-Carlos "House" Gerardo



Change is a word that i hear everyday, not as a question, but as a suggestion

i like who i am, if you don't like me, i don't give a damn, because i am the jackass

i tell it like it is, i'm not just a little bitch, i always stay and tell the shit, not steering away from the subject like most of the rest, because i am the best, you want to put that to the test, go ahead, i'll pass in the end

you want to argue with me, if you do, you'll just get beat, so just let me be, in fact don't even try, because my rhymes will make you cry, remember, i am the jackass, not just another guy

i'll hate on you whenever i want, when i do, i'll always be blunt, because i don't give a fuck, and i'm not going to change, at least not today

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Thursday, January 10, 2008


now peoples, this rap was written for my friend mandy, for the sole reason of pissing her off, it has to deal with a chance i got to go to china, so enjoy

Chinese Theme Song

I'm going to china, depression's guna overcome, mandy's guna get her gun, so i better run

homicide, suicide, all these thoughts running through her mind, a place where no man dare hide, because if they do, they will die

now while mandy sits here and vents, i'm guna go represent in another continent, the original orient

traveling all around, i'm going to throw some rhymes down, in, every single town

i get to go to the bejing zoo, sorry mandy, unlike you, i get to walk on the great wall, and that's not nearly all

i get to help teach english, to some chinese kids, wow their parents will be pissed, when i teach them to say BITCH

i promise to leave my mark, and yes i'll send you a card, from the asian hallmark, man these rhymes are getting hard

when i get back from where i go, i'll have a lot to show

like when i represented the U.S., with the chinese government, how many people get to do that, i have every right to brag

this is me speaking my mind, telling you it'll be one of a kind, taking up 17 days of my time, but with the best, i will ride, that's why i wrote this rhyme

-Carlos "House" Gerardo

Saturday, January 5, 2008


alright peoples check this out, i wrote this rap because people always find some reason to give me shit, just because i flunked a grade, now this is for all those idiots who looked down on me for it


I flunked, people say because of it that i've just become a punk, well i'm about to shut them all up

yea i flunked and had to change schools, now that wasn't cool, because i lost a lot of friends, the feeling of hurt was not pretend, but at my old school i was doing bad, i was the kid who was always flunking the class, but i admit, IT WAS MY FAULT, because i did nothing in class but sit on my ass and slack, but i had a reason for that, hell, the teachers just never gave a crap

even when i tried, they just left me behind, during those times, i remember sitting in my room and crying, so finally, i said, SCREW IT, I'M DONE WITH THIS SHIT, that's when i stopped doing the work, i remember my mom's feelings were hurt, but only a few teachers ever gave me help, for the rest of them, they can burn in hell

i hated it at lanier, everything was way to organized, and all the kids were preppy and up tight, only a few of us ever saw eye to eye, and for some reason, that hurt me inside, that's the feelings that inspired me to write this rhyme

now i'm at a new school, honestly, i think it rules, because i have an awesome new set of friends, with whom i perfectly blend

the teachers actually care, they put on classes that i an bare, i love it there because i can just have fun, and everybody's not stuck up

since i've been going to edison, my grades have been much higher, and i've become a writer, there i can speak my mind, and not just get shot down for trying

so between edison and lanier, it's edison hands down, i say that seriously and not clowning around, this school might not be the best, but to me, it's better than the rest, remember it's not the school that makes itself bad, it's the few students who just sit on their ass

like i said, yea i flunked, you can call me a punk, but i don't give a fuck, because if you look down on me for one mistake, you're doing nothing but hate, but just look at me, because of the change, my life turned out great

-Carlos "House" Gerardo



Words have the power to love, hate, appreciate, even discriminate, either way, words are the things that'll make this rap work

my words are my weapons, i use them for defense, but sometimes it's not always pleasant, because some people just act like peasants

my words are never a bore, because among the people i know they start many wars, and many friendships have been torn, that's why you should never underestimate any words scorn, because they can pierce you like a thorn, but my words, have also let me be reborn

i am a trash talker, a word watcher, just waiting for the opprotunity to shock the community, how, by making my words work in unity, when i talk crap, i don't stop to think about it, because if i did, the words would be shit

hurt is a feeling that my words insure, for that there is no cure, because it gets into your mentality, and after a while, makes you question your sanity, some people call insults taboo, for them, i say FUCK YOU, because that's something i'm going to continue to do

from my view you either speak lyrics or lies

lyrics are the words that come from the mind, they're the ones that shine, but lies, born from times that made you cry inside

lyrics are what i speak, if i didn't that'd just prove that i was weak, something that no trash talker needs, because weakness is what leads to them getting beat

the words in this rap are my personal works, some of the few i didn't just blert, why i just sat down and wrote, i don't know, i guess i just wanted something of my own to show

-Carlos "House" Gerardo